My adventures in Sindh, part 2

Day 803, 07:43 Published in Serbia Netherlands by Trinc
I was sitting in an American truck, I was caught in handcuffs and I was hungry... What a nice way to start the day...

When the hotel exploded I ran away... But then I noticed that American elites where guarding the whole area. I tried to sneak out but then one big guy saw me and jumped over me. I think I broke something...

Then they covered my face with a bag and I was dragged into the truck. The truck drove away and I still couldn't see a thing. We drove for two hours and then suddenly the truck stopped. I heard a heavy guy coming closer. "Hey, you, penix guy, stand up." I stood up. He took the bag of my head. My eyes hurt, but he pushed my out of the truck when I was not paying any attention. Then someone else came to me. He was not so big as the guy who pushed my out of the truck, but he was still a bodybuilder, and a big one. "Hi, my name is Eddie." he said. "Who are you."
"I am Trinc, and I write stories for a travel guide. Do you have some kind of folder of this area where I can get information from?"
The soldiers laughed. "Good story bro." Eddie said. "Now tell me the truth."
Could I say the truth? No, I could not. I didn't know what he knew already about Operation Blow the Hotel (which was not the actual name of the Operation) and it might cause some problems for Phoenix. "Like I said, I work for a travel guide."
Eddie shook his head and sai😛 "Take him to the camp guys, we will torture him.."
A funny threat. I knew he was just trying to scare my off.

We walked for 10 minutes through some kind of forest, on the hill of a mountain. The Americans set up camp there. The region of Sindh was Phoenix territory, and the Americans were hostile here.
They tied me to a tree, and then went to their tents. I check my environment. Then I saw something weird. A woman, and a pretty one, was tied up as well. She was looking right at me.
"Who are you?" she said. "I'm Trinc. And you?" I couldn't talk with ease because I didn't drink for a while, and it hurts when you try to talk if you didn't drink...
"I'm Natasha. Did they treat you well?" I was surprised. Why would she care? "Nah, they hit me in the face and one fat bastard jumped on me. Oh, and they didn't give me anything to drink. But nevertheless they treat my fine."
"I see." she said. She looked said, and she had some injuries on her face. But she looked beautiful. I wondered where she came from.

Suddenly I heard the noise of jeeps and trucks entering the camp. I hoped it were my allies, but when I saw the jeeps a bit better I saw that those belonged to Romanians. They stopped in the middle of the camp. I saw Eddie entering a guy who looked like an EDEN officer.
"Hail!" Eddie said.
"Hail yourself." said the Romanian in faulty English.
"What is the reason of this visit? I thought you had your camp on the other mountain?" Eddie said.
"Yesterday our local general was killed. Phoenix under covers entered the hotel where he staid and then they blew him up. We tried the kill all of them, but one ran away. And I think you've got him."
"I think we do. He's right over there." Eddie pointed at me. I saw the face of the Romanian officer. I recognized him from Operation Blow the Hotel. He walked straight at me with some other Romanians and Americans.
When he was halfway, he saw Natasha. "What is this?" he said. "Why is she tied up to this tree?"
"She is a Serbian spy, of course. I wanted to kill her but then I saw how pretty she was." Eddie laughed. &quot😉on't tell me you raped her, idiot!" the officer said. "Well, I tried, but she didn't co-operate. What's the matter with you?"
"My problem is, that she is a Romanian undercover soldier who is tied up to that tree? And that you almost raped her!"
I saw some of the Romanians took their guns. The officer ran to Natasha, if that was indeed her real name. "Hoho not so quick." Eddie said. "You want to fight with us, dumb head? You want war with the Romanians? Just say so!" the officer said.
I hoped they were gonna fight each other.
Suddenly I heard a helicopter. I heard some shots and a big explosion at the center of the camp. Two Serbian tanks were approaching, and a Russian helicopter fly in the sky. "Shoot them!" Eddie said. The Americans took their machine guns and started to fire at the helicopter. But instead of killing the helicopter, they were shot by the guys sitting in the helicopter.
I saw the Romanian officer talking to his soldiers and he freed Natasha from the tree and took her to his jeep. The Romanians fled away, but the Americans fought. I saw Eddie getting shot, and not late after that the Americans surrendered.

My nightmare was over already.

The American camp was on that hill

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Episode 1: My first day as tourist in London
Episode 2: My adventures in Sindh
Episode 3: My adventures in Sindh, part II
