My adventures in Sindh

Day 798, 06:04 Published in Serbia Netherlands by Trinc
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"This is no training soldier. You will be dealing with huge amounts of EDENnicks, evil citizens who are raping Pakistani girls. We asked you to move here, to help our Serbian allies and you know it. Don't go visit touristic spots like you always do."

I looked up. I hated that arrogant general... Like he was better then me. But hey! I had no choice. Besides, fighting alongside the brave Serbs is fun!

"Aye sir, I am ready for it."

Another soldier walked to the door of the plane and opened it. I jumped out of the plane There I went down!

Look at me go!

On the ground, we were picked up by a Serbian truck. That truck drove us to a Serbian camp. I saw many of my Serbians friends there.. You wanna be one? Just add me as a friend 🙂
We got some Pakistani food and then we went to the army HQ.

Delicious, right?

I got into a special unit which purpose was to kill a Romanian officer, who was sleeping in a heavy guarded hotel in a little village nearbay. Our marshall gave us some fancy clothes, fake ID's and some Pakistanish money. Outside there was a limousine waiting for us. There was a party in that havy garded hotel. Those EDENnicks just don't know when to stop partying.

The limo took off and when we got on the highway some more detailed orders were given. The officier stayed in a penthouse in the upper hotel. The mission was simple: kill the guards outside the penthouse, clear the rooms and kill the officer. If he died, the Serbs could destroy the Romanian base nearbay with more easy and less dead.

The hotel

The street where the hotel was, was full of celebrities of EDEN. I even spotted Emerick, if I was not mistaken. Anyway, our orders were not to go to the party, but to the hotelrooms and to the penthouse.
I hoped they didnt recognized my friend, a well-known Hungarian buddy of mine. Fortunantly, we got to the fourth floor without any problems. We used our gadgets to spot the soldiers guarding the penthouse. We saw two in front of the door. My Hungarian friend and another Dutchie took their machine guns and started to shoot. Suddenly out of nowhere to other soldiers came out of the room against the penthouse and started to shoot back. The soldiers guarding the penthouse were dead, but so were my buddies. I took a grenade and threw it at them. A big explosion was the result of that and the wall of the penthouse was inflated. Three guys came out of the smoke and started to hit us with a baseball bat. Another explosion followed and that caused our enemies to fall on the ground. I noticed a guy with a Hitler-look-a-like mustache. I took my riffle and shot him.
Some Romanian voices got ugly when they saw it. A huge guy came to me and hitme in the face.
I fell on he ground and took my knife. I threw it in his stomache and he got down.
I looked around me. Dead bodies everywhere. My friends were dead. The hotel was about to collapse.

I jumped out of a window and came in the swimmingpool. All the celebs were shocked. I came out of the water, jumped over the fence and ran away...

To be continued!

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Episode 1: My first day as tourist in London
Episode 2: My adventures in Sindh