Moscow urges military allies CSTO to support Syria settlement

Day 2,134, 11:43 Published in Serbia Serbia by Stari Borac

Sergey Lavrov has told a conference of CSTO Foreign Ministers that the failure to solve the Syrian crisis would have negative consequences not only for security situation in the region, but for the whole system of international law.

The Russian Foreign Minister was speaking at the opening of the session of Collective Security Treaty Organization – the Russia-led bloc uniting six neighboring countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia.

In 2014 the rotating presidency of the bloc will be taken by Russia, and because of that Lavrov briefed his colleagues on current priority issues in international relations.

“We are concerned with the situation in Syria and not only because of possible negative consequences to the region as a whole, but also because of the negative consequences to the whole system of international law. You know about the necessity to quickly solve the problem of starting the dialogue, and about the chemical weapons issue. I think, today we can support the international community’s efforts on Syria,” Sergey Lavrov said in his opening speech.

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