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Day 1,333, 13:19 Published in Argentina Argentina by Milo666

Siempre tuve ganas de hacerlo pero nunca me puse. Quizas sea un fail, quizas sea un exito... quien sabe?
Vamos a agarrar el trono que Dragoncelta dejo vacio con su periodico Us Angels and Demons.

Day 1,333 of the New World - Viernes 15/07/2011

Africa del sur

eBrazil acaba de perder sus ultimas colonias en eSudAfrica, Kwazulu Natal y hace instantes Western Cape. Con estas dos ultimas resistencias, eSudAfrica recupera todos sus regiones.

eSudafrica recupera sus regiones aun sin quererlo

America del sur

Al haber perdido sus colonias en eSA, eBrazil ha desaparecido del mapa. Actualmente se inicio una RW en Center West of Brazil (2) pero todo indica que sera defendida por las tropas españolas. Por otro lado, eChile firmo la paz con su par eNZ, por lo que la batalla de Zona Central se cancelo junto con la guerra. eArgentina se encuentra peleando por su permanencia, perdiendo esta mañana Argentine Northwest y recibiendo un ataque en South East Chaco (1) por parte de ePeru. Este ultimo se encuentra en su mejor momento desde su aparicion en el eMundo, conquistando ayer Bolivian Altiplano con un gran apoyo de su alianza ONE.

Los dos grandes de sudamerica en problemas

America del norte

Poco a poco America del norte deja de ser un objetivo para ONE luego que estos han borrado a eUSA y eCanada, igualmente ePolonia, eHungria, eUK, eSpaña y eIndonesia todavia mantienen regiones conquistadas de dichos paises.
Antes de perder la RW de Nevada, eIndonesia realizo un ataque a California (1). ePolonia a su vez conquisto la region de Alberta pero perdio la RW en Quebec. Actualmente hay un ataque ePolaco a Saskatchewan (2) y una Resistencia en Ontario (3) en lo que parece ser una constante entre estos dos paises (ataque + rw).
Por ultimo, en Southeast of Mexico (4) se desarrolla una batalla entre ePortugal y eMexico.

El arcoiris se hace presente en America del norte


Luego de varios dias sin batallas mas alla del WarGame entre eChile y eNZ, este ultimo declaro como EN a eAustralia y realizo el primer (y posiblemente unico) ataque a la region de Tasmania (1).

El demonio de Tasmania en peligro

Medio oriente
Luego de que agregaron estos nuevos paises (eEgipto, eEmiratos Arabes y eArabia Saudita), este sector estuvo en constante movimiento. Primero fue eGrecia, luego eChipre y mas tarde eMacedonia junto con eIran quienes expandieron sus limites hacia estos indefensos paises.
Actualmente solo hay una guerra de resistencia comenzada por eEmiratos Arabes en la region Fujairah (1) controlada por eIran.
Hace poco eChipre defendio la region de Beersheba South District ante los rebeldes eIsraelitas, quienes liberaron varias de sus regiones originales en los ultimos dias.

Como se puede apreciar en el mapa, todavia hay colonias de eIran (violeta), eMacedonia (verde) y eChipre (azul)

Europa occidental
Con un casi total predominio de paises ONE, esta parte de Europa tiene muy poca actividad salvo la guerra entre eMexico y ePortugal, y alguna que otra RW en eFrancia.
eUK mantiene eIrlanda bajo su dominio, y entre ePolonia y eHungria se reparten eFrancia. eBelgica mantienen sus regiones intactas mientras que eHolanda tiene la mitad de su pais bajo control ePolaco.
Actualmente se desatan 2 guerras de resistencia, una iniciada por ePortugal en la region Norte (1) actualmente controlada por eMexico, y otra RW en la region eHungara de Limousin (2) donde los eFranceses buscan retornar al mapa.

Esta parte de eEuropa parece tranquila

Norte de Europa
En las frias tierras del norte, todo esta calmo. eSuecia supo expanderse hasta llegar a America del Norte, eChina estuvo de visita por estos lados y ahora eLituania tiene conquistadas varias tierras fuera de sus originales.
Los paises miembros de ABC (eLituania, eLatvia y eEstonia) tuvieron su guerra con eRusia, y eFinlandia esta disputando su existencia con eEstonia.
eNoruega se encuentra con su region de Svalbard & Jan Mayen aislada, mientras que eDinamarca se encuentra conquistada por eSuecia en su totalidad.
Solamente hay una batalla activa, la resistencia eFinlandesa de Western Finland (1) que eEstonia intenta defender.

ABC y eSuecia son dueños del norte

Resto de europa + Asia, en breve

This is something I always wanted to do it, but i never did. Perhaps it is a FAIL, perhaps it is a WIN. Who knows?
I will follow Dragoncelta's steps with his Us Angels and Demons newspaper.

Day 1,333 of the New World - Firday 15/07/2011

South Africa

eBrazil just lost its last two colonies in eSA, Kwazulu Natal and minutes ago Western Cape. With those resistances, eSouthAfrica recovered all its regions.

eSouthAfrica is back in one piece

South America

After losing the African colonies, eBrazil dissapeared from the map. Currently there is a Resistance going on in the eSpanish region of Center West of Brazil (2) but seems that the eSpanish troops will defend it. In the other hand, eChile signed peace with eNZ, so the war and the battle of Zona Central were cancelled. eArgentina is still fighting for its survival: This morning lost the region of Argentine Northwest and is being attacked on South East Chaco (1) by ePeru. The latter yesterday conquered Bolivian Altiplano with great support from his alliance ONE and is at its best moment since it appeared in the eWorld.

The two biggest countries of South America having hard times

North America

Gradually North America ceases to be a target for ONE after they have erased eUSA and eCanada. Even tho, ePolonia, eHungria, EUK, Spain and eIndonesia still maintain conquered regions of those countries.
eIndonesia launched an attack to California (1) before losing Nevada in a resistance war this morning.
ePoland conquered Alberta but lost Quebec in a RW. Currently there is a new ePolish attack to Saskatchewan (2) and a resistance in the región of Ontario (3). eCanadians are doing the well known strategy of lose-in-the-direct-attack win-in-the-resistance
Last but not least, eMexico is being attacked by sea in the region of Southeast of Mexico (4) by the ePortuguese forces.

Rainbow is present in North America


After several days of wargames between eChile and eNZ, the latter declared NE to eAustralia and launched the first (and probably only) attack on the eAustralian region of Tasmania (1).

Tasmanian devil in danger

Middle east
After the admins added three new countries (eEgypt, eUAE y eSaudi Arab), this sector of the eWorld was in constant war. First country to invade was eGreece, after them came eCyprus alongside with eMKD and eIran.
There is only one active battle in the Middle east zone, the resistance war started by eUAE rebels in the Fujairah (1) region, currently controlled by eIran.
Not so long ago, eCyprus successfully defended the Beersheba South District region from the eIsraeli rebel forces, whose freed a few of their original regions in the last days, but could not succeed on this last one.

As you can see, there are still regions controlled by eIran (violet), eMacedonia (green) and eCyprus (blue)

Western Europe
With an almost-total predominance of ONE countries, this part of eEurope has a small war activity compared to another regions of the eWorld, since there is only one war affecting eMexico and ePortugal.
In general, eUK keeps eIreland under its control, and eFrance is splitted between ePoland and eHungary. eBelgium is in one piece while half of eNetherland regions are ePolish colonies.
eSpain original regions are in peace long time ago but not their army since they are fighting in the American continent.

Currently we have two resistance wars, the first one started by ePortuguese rebels in the Norte (1) region which is under eMexican control, and the other one in the eHungarian region of Limousin (2) where the eFrenchs are trying to appear on the eMap.

This part of Europe seems quiet...

Nortern Europa
In the cold northern lands of eEurope, everything remains calmed. eSweden En las frias tierras del norte, todo esta calmo. eSuecia once had colonies in North America. eChina was also present in this lands and now eLithuania has a lot of colonies here
The members of ABC (eLithuania, eLatvia and eEstonia) had their war with eRussia, and eFinland is fighting for its survival against eEstonia.
eNorway is relaxed and isolated in the far away region of Svalbard & Jan Mayen, while eDenmark is being under eSweden occupation.
There is only one active battle, the eFinland resistance in Western Finland (1) that eEstonia is trying to defend.

ABC and eSuecia owns the north

Coming soon: rest of eEurope + eAsia