Miss eWorld - closing notes

Day 1,621, 01:59 Published in Romania Indonesia by ABeR1

Because we are hours (or minutes) away from the big announcement, the final top of Miss eWorld, I want to clear a few technical issues that have been brought to my attention by your comments / votes.

If you have other questions just post them in the comments below and I will update my article for you.

Q1: Why wasn’t present MY country ( France, Hungary, Argentina, Turkey... ) in the final?
A1: All the states were invited before 1st April 2012, and again after we started the event HERE. Each country president received at least one message regarding Miss eWorld. Some of them probably considered it a joke, some of them probably considered it unimportant or some of them simply ignored it. After we send the invitations to the presidents and didn’t got the answers we expected we tried all additional channels to make the eWorld know that this event has started.

Q2: This event is degrading to all the women / or to this game. Why did you start something like this?
A2: Beauty is not degrading and beauty contests are not “meat markets”. If some of you consider it that way I feel sorry for you. I think that eRepublik is played by real people and we tried our best to bring a little bit of joy in your game by making the community to connect through beauty and not just wars or politics or economy.

Q3: China wasn’t added from the start, Serbia was added 24 hours late and Macedonia even later. Why?
A3: As I said above each country was informed and performed a national selection. In some cases the results weren’t made available to us in time, and in some cases the process ended AFTER we started the voting process. We didn’t refuse the participation from those states and we updated the events page adding the ladies to the contest.

Q4: China had rose xue and than you changed to Mimia. Why?
A4: Because the top was
1: rose xue 5
2: Mimia 26
3: DualThrust 20
4: crazymi 24
Mimia is the real winner of the national selection. We only assumed that the top was made in the winning order.

Q5: Are these ladies real? How do we know they are not fakes?
A5: We tried to ensure the fairness of this event by asking the contestants to provide a proof photo. In some cases the ladies sent that photo right from the start, like adssy, or camiletiti or BelkaPabelka. In some cases the ladies appeared in national or international eRepublik meetings making the proofing useless. At this point we are waiting the proof photo for only a few ladies: Tinkuta, BesinessHero, Manakin, Marie Von Gablitz, Duska Arhitekta, MilaBejbe and Mimia. Once we will have these photos the validatin process will close and we will be able to distrubute the prizes.

Q6: Why was the contestant from Rep. of Macedonia Glaudius Maximus removed ? Pure racism and discrimination !!! (MKDHero)
A6: Well... sir, in fact is nothing close to racism or discrmination. It was his/her request as you can see below.

Q7: Why didn’t you created a special website for the voting process? Why using this stupid system with the comments / votes?
A7: First of all we wanted to make the voting process available ONLY to the eRepublik players, this is why the event was held INSIDE eRepublik. Having another website would have been easier for the vote counting but wouldn’t had assured that the voters come ONLY from eRepublik. It’s not that hard to change an IP, to clear some cookis and to vote again using a different name. On eRepublik the voting process was visible from the start and the results are REAL nothing forged or fake there.

Q8: I woted HARD and I’m not on the GOOD list. Why?
A8: Incomplete or wrong votes such as: Thailand, Thailand, Thailand or kittenmiauuuuu were removed from the start. You should have read the rules and make a real vote: not for your country and with 3 different contestants.

Q9: Hmm...my vote got cancelled because of too many posts(even though only one was related to the actual standings) - Milanezu
A9: Yes, I am aware that a certain number of votes were removed or added during the vote counting... and those votes could have been on the GOOD list. Exactly because the counting wasn't 100% accurate we didn't made a final top based on the number of votes but on a vote interval. This is why 2 or even 3 ladies were set on the same top position. I hope you will agree that because of the large number of votes and because of the limited time we tried to offer a valid final top... this is the best solution. I don't fear that 10 or even 20 votes could have changed the present top. If you don't agree you are more than welcome to count the votes - this is why they were all the time VISIBLE. Anyone who fears that something fishy was behind this contest can prove it.