Me, Myself, and the Canadian Minister of F.A.

Day 2,438, 21:55 Published in USA USA by Foxi Roxi

Over the past few days I was able to sit down with the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs where I asked him about some questions I had myself not known or really been interested in up to this point. The conversation began with a simple introduction of sorts (with a little editing of sorts),

ME - "I apologize it took this long to get this message out to you. However I thank you for accepting my [invitation]. Would you be willing to answer [these questions] for me? When did the relations between eUS & eCanada decline; if you know."

MFA - "Hello,
Relations between the US and Canada started to decline when the US preferred Spain, Canada's occupying power at the time, over its ally Canada. Therefore, we could not go with the US on the same side anymore, considering they picked the side of our enemies."

ME - "So basically your ally betrayed you. [Is] that what you are saying?"

MFA - "Not necessarily betrayed, it followed its own interest I guess. I don't have a strong opinion on this, as I wasn't in government at the time and I didn't pay much attention to gov business."

ME - "Do you think Canada and US could ever rebuild its relationship?"

MFA - "Yes, that is possible, but it must come from the US, not from Canada."

ME - "I will keep that in mind.

Just a hypothetical; what would it take to rebuild relations with Canada? Breaking any ties with groups, etc.

And what would Canada be willing to do in the same regard should the US make the first move toward improved relations?"

I received no reply as of yet and will update if I receive any new information.

MrLaMarke Out!