Me and the headless chicken...

Day 962, 10:30 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous
You dastardly chicken.

So I was trying to write this long article about V2, and I click publish. I delete it off google docs, thinking it will be published. I return to the eRepublik page, and what do I see?

You. The demon of my nightmares. The bane of my existence, the very foil of evil in my life. I am done with you and your nefarious plots, like deleting my articles. YOU DON'T HAVE A FACE, YOU CAN'T SEE MY ARTICLE ANYWAY.

I used to think that

but it does. We aren't friends anymore, Headless Chicken. Not you, or your stupid V2.

P.S. And since I can't check my subscribers list BECAUSE OF YOU, I can't find out what's going on. Curse you Chicken, to the deepest darkest depths of Russia.