M10 A Compagnie | Regiment 1 | DAF

Day 3,049, 05:46 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Starac202
Dave Holland Quartet - Liège, Belgium, 2009-05-09 (full)

International Security | A Division Alpha Tester

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

From the series Military vs Computer (and other) Structures which will be further updated in real time If necessary.

23-03-2015 "I’ll focus on Dutch Military Police – the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee coming period, not following Facebook feeds at the moment, only posting news from Serbian Armed Forces and MoD, exploring on Wikipedia and official sites, can’t quit RL Military which I’ll try to combine/compare with eRep Military."

I’d like to explore (Command) Structures (not only military) and also the possibility of creating a Non-profit organization. After 24 years of being unfit for work (arbeidsongeschikt), mainly because I can’t make 40h a week, and at the age of 56, I’d like to contribute again to the (RL) society. Ambitions are maybe high, but it is worth trying.

I know that I’m nuts, but I have nothing but good intentions. This Newspaper is a perfect tool to express myself, so forgive me, once again, if I’m boring. I realise that previous article was too extensive, still experimenting, will stick back to Dutch Military Police – the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee.

I urgently need to organize my PC, still improvising with different editors, need that Office, but I’m hooked on everything I start with.

A Koninklijke Marechaussee Compagnie Amsterdam | Regiment 1 | DAF |

A Company | Command
I will play with this part further. 😉
Training Platoon | Opleidings-Peloton
Security guard Platoon | Beveiligings-Peloton
1st Platoon
2nd Platoon
Signal Platoon
Command Platoon

Command Platoon is responsible for command, control, communications, computation, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance.

- Reconnaissance Squad

Wachtmeester Starac202 | Reconnaissance Squad | Command Platoon | A Company
Regiment 1 | DAF |

Intelligence Reconnaissance DAF on the Facebook


Dutch Armed Forces


Come to professor Starac202 😉

Opleidings-, Trainings- en Kenniscentrum Koninklijke Marechaussee

De Koninklijke Marechaussee heeft een eigen opleidingscentrum: het Opleidings-, Trainings- en Kenniscentrum Koninklijke Marechaussee. Personeel van de marechaussee krijgt daar een gerichte opleiding. En vervolgopleidingen om de kennis op peil te houden.

Basisopleiding marechaussee

Elke marechaussee begint met een militaire scholing. De basisopleidingen leiden op voor marechausseebeveiliger en algemeen opsporingsambtenaar. Dit is tot de rang van wachtmeester. De opleiding bereidt hen voor op alle werkgebieden van de marechaussee.

Signal Platoon

De Verbindingsdienst verzorgt de telecommunicatie bij de strijdkrachten.

De verbindingsdienst heeft als taak het verzorgen van communicatieverbindingen in de breedste zin van het woord. Communicatie is van oudsher een essentiële militaire functie om inlichtingen door te kunnen geven en om de inzet van eenheden te coördineren. In de oudheid gebruikte men hiervoor al boodschappers, post of (sein)vlaggen.


Liaison Officers

A liaison officer is a person who liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their activities. Generally, liaison officers are used to achieve the best utilization of resources or employment of services of one organization by another. Liaison officers often provide technical or subject matter expertise of their parent organization. Usually an organization embeds a liaison officer into another organization to provide face-to-face coordination.

A Division Alpha Tester (my TEST Facebook page)

- International Security

- Force Interoperability

Partnership for Peace (PfP)

Partnership tools

Nonprofit organization

A nonprofit organization (NPO, also known as a non-business entity[1]) is an organization whose purposes are other than making a profit.[2] A nonprofit organization is often dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a particular point of view. In economic terms, a nonprofit organization uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose or mission, rather than distributing its surplus income to the organization's shareholders (or equivalents) as profit or dividends. This is known as the distribution constraint.[3] The decision to adopt a nonprofit legal structure is one that will often have taxation implications, particularly where the nonprofit seeks income tax exemption, charitable status and so on.


**** Netherlands Chief of Defence - Commandant der Strijdkrachten
**** Serbian Chief of General Staff - Начелник Генералштаба Војске Србије

Picture😛 Serbian Armed Forces | General Staff Units | the Guard


Zoran Stevan Petrovic
Old Man | Starac202 | Alpha Tester

eRepublik Military attaché | Militair attaché | Vojni izaslanik 😉
Defence Attaché of Serbia in the Netherlands and of the Netherlands in Serbia |

The Military Intelligence Agency has three missions:

1. Support to the state and military leadership in providing the intelligence information on risks and threats directed from abroad against the security of the Republic of Serbia;
2. Intelligence support to the Serbian Armed Forces in accomplishing its missions and tasks;

3. Representing and protection of the intrests of MOD and SAF/DAF abroad;

Just observing!

Wachtmeester | Reconnaissance Squad | Command Platoon |
Koninklijke Marechaussee Compagnie Amsterdam |
Regiment 1 | DAF |

Intelligence Reconnaissance DAF on the Facebook
Dit groep ga ik een nieuwe leven inblazen.

Ministerie van Defensie