Leto Mobile Army - Initiere

Day 2,338, 06:31 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova by MDreams
EN version:

Dear LETO citizens, we have amazing news today! 🙂
Yesterday the plans of the creation of the LETO Mobile Army (LMA) were ultimated in our LETO meeting.

The LETO Mobile Army will work as a “virtual MU” (People won’t need to leave their current MUs)
for LETO D3 and D4 tanks. The goal of the Army will be to bring big amounts of damage in key battles of LETO countries.

The Army will be led by the General (HMR) Passos Coelho, he has the full power and will be the highest authority. Below the General, the Colonel (SG), NueveOcho is the main character of the Army. The Commanders (dHMR), Gigilatrik and OneJuan, will take care of the division coordination (one each) aided by the captains (Each CP will chose one captain for each Division) to make sure that every member will know where and when we fight. All the fighters will be supplied with Q7 tanks in our fights.

The requirements are simple: Have a 40k maxhit in D3 and 60k maxhit in D4, be active and willing to use IRC to coordinate.

If you want to join fill this form.

Signe😛 NueveOcho, LETO SG
Signe😛 MDreams, eMoldova vCP

RO version:

Dragi cetateni ai Leto, avem noutati mari astazi!
Ieri, in timpul intalnirii aliantei Leto s-a decis formarea unitatii militare LETO Mobile Army (LMA).

LETO Mobile Army va activa ca o unitate "virtuala" (Soldatii nu sunt obligati sa-si paraseasca unitatea militara actuala) pentru a aduce un DMG cat mai mare in luptele cheie a aliantei.

Unitatea militara va fi condusa de catre Generalul (HMR) Passos Coelho, el detine cea mai mare putere si va prezenta cea mai mare infleunta in unitate. Dupa General, functia secundara va fi ocupata de Colonel (SG)NueveOcho. Comandantii (dHMR), Gigilatrik si OneJuan vor avea grija de coordonare in cadrul unitatii militare si fiecare dintre ei va fi ajutat de catre capitani (Fiecare CP va alege cate un capitan pentru toate diviziile). Toti soldatii vor fi echipati cu arme q7.

Cerintele sunt simple : Sa detii cel putin 40k maxhit/D3, 60k maxhit/D4/, sa fii activ si sa folosesti IRC pentru coordonare.

Daca doresti sa aplici, completeaza formularul.

Semnat: NueveOcho, Leto SG
Semnat: MDreams, eMoldova vCP