Journey Through Shout Boxes S02#01

Day 2,109, 12:03 Published in Canada Canada by Corrigan Brown

Yes ladies and gentlemen! It's a journey through shout boxes! Season 2 underway.

I didn't flag this post because I like pointing things out. I did it because i'd like to point out the fact that Canada is seeing a wide influx of people from all over the world. I find it rather amazing, because the country went from a very long occupation to seeming like the whole country is on fire again. Welcome to eCanada, and good luck in the CPF.

For once, I agree with Funky. I am not a huge fan of forums, though I do like your idea.

Here is another new member. Well, I say new member but this photo really only serves to demonstrate that new individuals are joining the parties of Canada on a regular basis. E😜ats are now flooding in, such as myself.

And now onto the CW. Or otherwise known as the *cough cough* best *cough* party. *cough*

Oh now, starting with my own post? Well, i guess that's just modern day journalism for you. No, absolutely no bias at all. Anyway, just to announce i'm running in CW prelims and that my article is on my newspaper.

Here, ladies and gentlemen, is a man worthy of being CP any day of the week. If you don't choose me, it better damn well be him. Gh0strr is running for CW CP.

Another Gh0strr post. CW has witnessed growth like never before since congress was re-instated, which is absolutely wonderful if you ask me. And CW's not the only one on the way up, CPF and MDP and even IPC have started growing like a deranged orange plant.

In the interest of free and fair elections within CW, we have added IBB to our list of prelim candidates. And this was proposed by a congress member no less. Just another day of CW offering free and fair elections to all. Good luck IBB!

A very high level player has decided to join CW. And he chose because he wants to rebuild Canada, i'm not saying anything but...

And there goes the new congress member, dutifully doing his duty to his country and to his party, trying to gage the political feel of the time. Some may call it a waste of time and he's better just doing things himself, but I think he's onto something and he'll learn quite a bit from his endeavors. Good luck Wilfie.

On top of that, I like his no-cat-harming policy, it coincides greatly with my avatar.

And now we move on to the MDP, party of military awesomeness. sort of.

Very experienced and wonderfully loyal player IBB has decided to run for CP of eCanada. His article was very down-to-earth and sarcastic. Just about everything one can ask for in a CP. Good luck IBB.

Muglack, I really hope this doesn't include bribing and tank-giving, because in my experience that's what it seems to me. Oh and dead cat picture posting. Real good job there.

Yes, we have all heard that the MDP is in need of a real bad-ass, given the lack of one already. Hope you find what you're looking for in the MDP.

There we go, good old MDP hoping to accept and help newer players in exchange for their souls. I'm just kidding, but seriously.

And last we have the IPC. Personally I love this party, it's quite a nice small community that reminds me of the older AFK days.

I hope that whatever it is you published isn't as awkward as your avatar. Seriously, it's a half tanned man in a speedo. Seriously. I'm sure the article is good though.

Two of my most favorite items in eCanada at the moments, e😜ats and lower taxes. It's like christmas, only not in December. Canada grows and pays less to government. Win-win!

I feel very stupid for not having thought of that before you did. Shame on me eh, no more RHs for me. Though it doesn't seem to me like a good investment unless you already have the CC for it. Think about it, 5 gold for around 1000 CC and then you get 5 gold for the RH.

This person, along with the guy who asked for supplies twice in the IPC is quite entertaining. Does quite a bit of damage for Canada then asks his patriotic party to support him in his fights. Quite the guy, hope you fought hard.
I like to wave at posts of people asking for supplies as they pass by.

I am very impressed with Auk any day of the year. He's quite the guy and a very apt leader for the CPF. Good on him for increasing support of the CPF by offering the lower party a channel to have their voices heard. That rarely happens, in real life and in erep combined. Good job Auk, IPC you're lucky to have a guy like Auk.

Ah it's you again. Are you asking for reimbursement or are you commenting on the high moving costs, which by the way I don't believe are functional at all. Think about it, it costs 20CC intervals to move through regions, though most of the time people can't afford them because of lower salaries and such. Shouldn't moving costs be reflected as inflation goes up or down? Just a thought.

And that, ladies and gentlemen brings us to the end of Journey Through Shout Boxes Season 2 Episode 1. Hope you all had quite the bit of fun reading it, I had just as much fun writing it. See you next time!