Je N'accuse Pas

Day 2,062, 23:09 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors


Erepublik is all about friends and networks. I recently received an invitation to rejoin some old friends. Before pushing off I thought to simply publish this short conversation as a tip of the hat to a team that has always been warm and welcoming to me. Team eUSA is a very special place populated by very able players. Thanks.


Chopp: It is democratsy, everyone has the right to freedom of opinion.

kody5 Only American citizens are allowed American rights, i doubt you can even recite the pledge of challenge

olivermellors : okay, you got that pledge thing wrong I think, but we all type too quickly sometimes.

Here is what bothers me a bit about this American citizens business. I don't like Ajay's game style. I don't like that the AFA= hurt America, that it cheerleads the invasion and that Ajay is part of the Serbian government and brags about it. Surely, nothing more is needed. Most people just won't vote for him. Those who will, have an agenda which will be completely unaffected by this vitriolic (but largely accurate) article. It is as if you don't trust the electorate to made simple decisions... you have to throw in the "traitor" and "not real citizen" stuff.

But, here now, is the ultimate irony. For almost a year it has been the administration's policy to lose bonuses on purpose. It was said this would defeat Ajay. Well: SUCCESS!!! Yet, Ajay's party still sits in second place. The consistent policy of the eUS for almost a year has been to weaken itself, rid itself of its friends and turn inwardly in fear of a poor weak player. In this cowering attitude, it considers just about everything secret and of significance to security. May I once again invite you, as a cabinet member, to consider a re-appraisal of how you got here and how to go forward.

Kind regards