Janty- Candidato a CP

Day 3,177, 12:27 Published in Cuba Cuba by Carlos R. Guzman


Este es el lema de la campaña que representa la idea central del candidato a CP de la nación Cubana, Janty.

Como veníamos mencionando, es nuestra intención que en cada elección al puesto de máximo dirigente en nuestra amada isla, el pueblo conozco de una manera mas cercana a cada candidato. la política pude resultar uno de los módulos mas aburridos para muchos que prefieren el arte de los bombazos, las publicaciones o tal vez el periodismo. Pero sin lugar a dudas, cada acción responde en cierta manera a este "Deporte Nacional", llamado política.

En esta serie de dos entrevistas se ha utilizado el mismo método de preguntas, y agradecemos a ambos por su pronta respuesta, y su confianza en el medio, a pesar de nuestro nombre 🙂 Las entrevistas serán publicadas sin EDITAR, tal y como fueron contestadas, en el idioma que eligieron los candidatos para una nación bilingue. Sin mas preámbulos vamos a la misma, que la disfruten:

Cuanto tiempo llevas en eRepublik?

My account is actually fromm the year 2010, but since i had a break for three years,I'm not playing this game THAT long. When i started to play this game, I was mostly on the 2-click and didn't care about politics very much. However I have returned to the game in March 2015, and became an active participant of this game.

Quien es Janty?

Well-if you ask about why i picked the name "Janty", it is bacuase is a short version of my RL surname. If you ask about who I am, it is usually best to visit my eRepublik Wiki page, where you can learn my political history in the game and check what i have done so far ( as you can imagine, it was a long of things and you would have to do a separate article just about that). When it comes to personality- I'm 22 years old male, studying nuclear phisics, all around a nice guy with a good sense of humour ( atleast that's what i think 🙂😁. Logical thinking, willingness to bear responsability, and willingness to help other people around me as much as i can-those are my main waepons 😉

Porque y Para que aspiras a la presidencia de la eRpublica?

Why? Well, i was president before in other country, and since i have a lot of experience, I want to share this experience and use it to help eCuba and bring some fresh air into its politics. I simply know how to get work done and I'm not afraid to work. And i believe this country needs people like that in its leadership.

Cual consideras es tu proyecto mas importante en tu agenda de gobierno?

There will be a lot of important proyects, ots hard to pick only one. The main goal is to finally get Constitution done. Without the Constitution, this nation simply cannot function properly, as we have all noticed during the latest referendum about the rental agreement with Portugal. There are also others laws which needs to be revised, bacuse of game changes. However, I dont want to be only a boring bureaucrat, so i will also focus on creating more fun for our citizens. In the end, we play this game to have fun-so why can't we have more of it 😉 ?

En las pasadas elecciones Runy fue el candidato de la otra coalición, ahora es tu compañero de papeleta, como se debe interpretar ese hecho?

First of all, I want to say that I certainly believe this is not the last time we will hear about Runy in the elections 🙂 Anyway, back to the question. In my honest opinion, a lot of conflicts between "coalition" and "opposition" are based on the fact, that "opposition" believes i is not informed very well about what is going on in this couantry. I'm not a member of "opposition", so i can't judge if it is true or not. However, i have realized theres a simple and elegant solution-allowing members of "opposition" to participate in the government, thus getting them closer to the direct source of informations. However , you can't just pick a random person to do this, bacause not everybody is fit for such an important role. Also, some people are still not ready to work with the "other side". At first, I wanted to choose Frida K as my Vicepresident, but she fled to Switzerland before i even decided to run 🙂. However, in the meantime, I also learned more about Runy, and I have found out he suits for this role too. And let me say before the entire nation- Im very proud and happy about him accepting my Vicepresident offerand Im very glad, we will be able to work together for the future of our country. Hopefully,this step will open eyes to other people and the goal of One and United Cuba will become easier to achieve.

Algún mensaje al pueblo de Cuba?

Always try to think positive and act positive-being mean and rude to others will only hurt you in the future (trust me, i know this from my pesonal experience). And when you go to vote-don't vote for a candidate just because his a member of your party. Read all the campaign articles, all the plans and all the proposals, and decide based on those informations. By doing so, you will do a great service to this nation.

Como de costumbre ahora pasamos a la Sección de preguntas y repuestas cortas llamada Tic...Tac...Tic...Tac...

Medicina o Religión?

Religion is obsolote in the 21th century :/

Futbol o Ajedrez?

Watching- football, playing-chess

Moto o Auto?

Can i get bus instead?

Playa o Piscina?



MERCOSUR sound like a neat thing

Thanks To Janty...