Pu Yi's eBlog Issue #4 - Live & Learn

Day 2,884, 07:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Henry Pu Yi

I left the Mibbit squadron to carry on, them guys were bloodthirsty crazy.
Taking a break from fighting the good fight, I traveled to eOxford where the archives for various political past-times were located. At this time it had been liberated along with East Anglia, Sussex and Kent.

Snacking on a delicious chocolate treat I scour the bookshelves hoping to spot something significant that can help us in our current struggle.
There it was, I pulled out the huge binder from the shelf and place it on the table, almost choking on the dust I sat down and gently opened the pages.

Amongst the articles I considered some valuable, deadweight and damn right hilarious. Sifting through, I saw one that sounded familiar and displayed the tragedy that this country had faced..


..after reading the piece as well as similar articles, I came to the conclusion that once those who gain power and wish to display something become supported, they act very peculiar.

This is also applied to eUK as a whole, notice how at our time of struggle we become civilised, friendlier to one another, at the moment our main aim is to better the situation, even join hands.
In contrast, a nation with near-empire status will believe they have nothing to lose and will throw their mouths around which will almost always result in a national security threat.

We are only to blame for the bloodshed, the depression and the loss of interest in the nation.

I rallied my things together and made my way to the nearest tavern, was apparently owned by the Mibbit squadron and had rusty iron bars on the windows. I had met with one precarious character who goes by the name of ChewChewShoe, strange name, but he divulged into the reason why he took part in the fall of eUK. And it is how I mentioned above.
I also received word from a courier that MS10EL and Rathena Gelc will both be competing for the management of the TUP franchise and so after everything that I had done today my interest for involvement had grown.

We all traded a story and beer or two and so I made my way to my bed.

Knowledge is key. Without knowledge you are dumb. Dumb people do dumb things.. like.. let someone rob the treasury, let the country fall, put CDs in the microwave.
