Irelands Worst?? Interview

Day 756, 13:07 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
An interview with Padraig Pearse

irishbhoy: Hello PP how are you today?

Padraig Pearse: I am great as always

irishbhoy: You have said recently that you almost let yourself die, do you think people will ever trust you again as Padraig Pearse?

Padraig Pearse: Nope, I was gonna change my profile but I decided the hassle of getting it to where i have come my level and strength etc

irishbhoy: Can you understand why people have reacted the way they have?

Padraig Pearse: Yes, but tbh, most of the people who are reacting I have done nothing to.

irishbhoy: So you think it’s a bit of an overreaction?

Padraig Pearse: A huge over reaction

irishbhoy: So you think you have been singled out for punishment?

Padraig Pearse: Well the power mad congressmen think they can rule the world and punish me, they think I’m banned from #ireland but the truth is I am in there as we speak. I am the person they will least suspect

irishbhoy: It must be a difficult game to play as PP, being isolated and censored, do you think you can offer something positive to Ireland under these circumstances?

Padraig Pearse: Well if I was in power, Ireland would have probably taken over most of the world and be more exciting.

irishbhoy: So you believe things should not be so serious?

Padraig Pearse: Absolutely it’s a game, and the power mad congressmen in this country make Ireland boring. In India they have a country similar size to us and attacked a major world power without fear. We should learn lessons from this

irishbhoy: So we should be more active on the world stage?

Padraig Pearse: Yes, if we did things like India, We could soon be a major power and attract a babyboom

irishbhoy: So where would you like to see Ireland a few months down the line?

Padraig Pearse: With a few foreign regions and a bigger population although with these current congressmen I can't see it happening

irishbhoy: Being honest, how many multi's have you had?

Padraig Pearse: 1, it’s the one I had from the very start that hasn’t been banned yet, although it is dead atm but ready to spring up at any time and when I say very start I mean 2 accounts ago

irishbhoy: So what about the allegations that you had a company full of dead citizens?

Padraig Pearse: They are just people stirring the pot trying to make me look worse than I am

irishbhoy: Of all the allegations, which do you think damaged your character the most?

Padraig Pearse: The q5 house that I won. For some reason people are really pissed off about that a lot

irishbhoy: How did u win it?

Padraig Pearse: I entered a competition, and I won, I just wasn’t registered on the forums

irishbhoy: It’s obvious that in spite of the scamming and dodgy dealing, that you do love your country, if the people of Ireland were to give you another chance, would you repay that trust and how?

Padraig Pearse: I would make Ireland a better place, and rid it of capitalists and selfish congressmen, and give it back to the working class

irishbhoy: So u would NEVER scam anyone again if you got another chance?

Padraig Pearse
: I haven’t scammed anyone in a real long time and probably won’t do it again

irishbhoy: Are you sure now PP?

Padraig Pearse
: Positive, I will never go down that road again, it’s dark and has no turns

irishbhoy: So perhaps you could be the prodigal son of Ireland?

Padraig Pearse
: I would love to be

: We are near the end of the interview now, anything else you would like to add PP?

Padraig Pearse
: Padraig Pearse for president \o/

I will most likely be hiring staff to deal with the sheer volume of complaints over this article!