Interviu la final de mandat

Day 2,230, 14:25 Published in Romania USA by Joerx

Ultima Reduta
(The Last Stand / scroll down for the english version)

Bun gasit tuturor, astazi, in prima editie a revistei Ultima Reduta, va prezin un interviu cu un om pe care multi il cunosteti, multi il stimati si pentru care multi dintre voi ati avut cuvinte de lauda. Este vorba despre comandantul celei mai puternice aliante create vreodata in eRepublik (TWO), un interviu luat in ultimele ore ale mandatului sau. Cunoscut lumii intregi ca Sathan liderul TWO, cunoscut romanilor ca Schmidt un roman care a avut (si ar mai avea inca) multe de spus in viata publica a eRomaniei. Un roman pe care, speram, il vom vedea reintors activ in Romania.

Joerx - Bine te-am gasit si multumesc pentru amabilitatea de a ne acorda acest interviu. Sa vorbim despre om: nu multi stiu ca Schmidt este acum Sathan si sunt sigur ca multi ar vrea sa cunoasca istoria lui Schmidt. cine a fost pe unde a umblat si cum a ajuns sa plece, sa se transforme si sa ajunga lider Two.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Era prin anul 2011, eram la munca si ma cam plictiseam. Citind eu presa, am dat de un articol in Cotidianul in care era prezentat jocul facut de Lemnaru, eRepublik, dar nu era un articol de tip ''baby boom'' ci pur si simplu era prezentata firma si meritele unui roman care a creat un joc de 1kk Euro. De curiozitate, mi-am facut cont si dupa primele 5 click-uri deja m-a plictisit. Era prin octombrie asta iar prin noiembrie, primesc mail ca sa intru pe joc si curios din fire, am intrat iar. Atunci am inceput sa joc cu adevarat.
Prima UM in care am intrat a fost FSR cand inca nu stiam eu despre ce e vorba, apoi am ajuns in Garda Nationala pe care am absolvit-o dupa vreo 2 luni, la 500 strength si m-am dus in Dracones (respect Zamolxes23 si restul) . Din Dracones, dupa o noapte de betie, am ajuns in BF. BF rullz!
M-am implicat in politica, am fost vMoD de nu mai stiu cate ori, MoFA de 2 ori, trainee aMC EDEN cand mi-am bagat picioarele in EDEN si m-am dus in Serbia . Atunci s-a destramat si EDEN. Apoi, anul asta, prin mai, am zis ca e momentul pt. o schimbare. Eram prieten bun (si inca sunt) cu mittekenmuis si m-am dus in UK unde mi-a fost usor sa ma integrez (oameni ok, putini..) si mi-am zis ca e o sansa sa ma implic in politica si aici. A 2-a luna am intrat in congresul UK iar de atunci am fost vMoD 3 sau 4 luni la rand, si nu pot uita nici acum cand eu si Sambo911 am castigat lupta din Dublin la mustata. Apoi am fost MoD iar luna urmatoare am intrat in TWO HQ ca deputy Supreme Comander, dupa care am zis ca e momentul sa fac pasul cel mare si sa candidez pt TWO SG si am reusit. Si-acum e doar can can...

Joerx - Cine este Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt in rl?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - 30 male Bucuresti, rocker, betziv, lucrez in vanzari. Am terminat ASE-ul dupa 2 ani de automatica degeaba si sunt inca necasatorit desi nu mai dureaza mult pana voi face si pasul asta.... Btw, schimbarea numelui in erep n-are nimic de a face cu faptul ca am candidat la TWO SG. Toti ma stiau oricum si toti stiau ca sunt Roman.

Joerx - Intr-adevar de ce ti-ai schimbat numele in eRep?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Pt ca eram beat mort si n-aveam ce face cu 5 gold si prea apaream pe google la orice cautare dupa nume si nu-mi placea.

Joerx - Ne dai si un link la o poza?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Sigur, ia de-aici, e din 2011 cred, artmania. . Asta e FB-ul meu unde mai poti gasi cateva poze.

Joerx - Ce abilitati militare, politice si diplomatice sunt necesare cuiva ca sa devina lider al celei mai puternice aliante din ERep?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Pe mine m-a ajutat foarte mult faptul ca am fost MoD in UK, MoFA in RO si vMoD de mai multe ori. Insa nu e neaparat nevoie de astfel de abilitati. E nevoie sa fii cat mai activ si cat mai mult timp online, sa ai nervi tari (eu n-am avut). Ajunsesem sa fiu on pe irc si 16-17 ore pe zi ... prea mult.

Joerx - Sa vorbim despre alianta. Despre cata populatie, putere economica, UM-euri, firme si putere de foc vorbim cand vorbim despre TWO? Tineti evidenta numerica si statistica?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Alianta in sine se cam invarte in jurul a 2 mari puteri: Serbia si Polonia. Nu se tine evidenta la nimic insa Polonezii sunt foarte bine organizati. Se vede imediat cand intra intr-o lupta.

Joerx - Ungaria cat conteaza in balanta puterii?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - foarte putin, nu sunt foarte activi in TWO si de obicei isi urmaresc propriul interes. Uita-te la Belarus: ungurii i-au vandut pt. o regiune de oil.

Joerx - Cum face un om sa impace interesele diferite a 19 tari? Cum gaseste puncte de interes comune?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Am incercat: am spart arme, timp, gold pt a impaca interesele unei aliante de 19 tari. Am incercat tot posibilul pt. a oferi NZ si Australiei congress insa n-am reusit. Cand toti ceilalti lupta pt. bonusurile lor, nu ai ce face, nu poti.

Joerx - Sa inteleg ca prioritatile aliantei nu sunt luate prea in serios?
Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Prioritatile aliantei sunt: 1.Polonia 100% Bonus 2. Spania / Serbia cat se poate si apoi restul.

Joerx – Inteleg, dar nu a fost mereu asa... cum a evoluat TWO de la infiintarea sa si pana acum?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Sincer, nu stiu prea multa istorie a TWO. A fost Phoenix, One, Two, urmeaza Three.

Joerx – Ajungem la un punct cheie al interviului. Ai propus excluderea din alianta a anumitor tari. Care sunt acelea si ce a stat la baza deciziei tale?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Au fost niste decizii luate la betie si pe motiv de troll. Deja eram impeachuit de luni, insa nu m-au schimbat si in joc. Am vrut sa arat cum mi-ar placea sa arate TWO: fara Polonia si Spania, fara UK care e puppetul Poloniei, fara Austria si Slovakia care sunt tari sub PTO Ungar / Sarb dar un TWO cu RO si Argi inside (irlanda si rusia au fost la mishto).

Joerx – Putem face public linkul la prnt screenul cu propunerile tale?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Nu are rost a fost deja facut, a fost o reactie de troll si nervi.

Joerx – Ai anticipat urmatoarea intrebare: ultimele tale decizii au avut parte deun puternic raspuns negativ din partea tarilor membre. De ce sustinere te bucuri inca in randul aliantei?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - E o intrebare capcana asta. Oamenii care m-au cunoscut in joc, ma vor sustine in continuare. Am nevoie de o pauza momentan, poate mai uita lumea ))) de prostiile pe care le-am facut .

Joerx – Ce inseamna TWO in ERep si ce va inseamna in viitor? ce insemna TWO pentru tine?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - In erep, TWO inseamna cea mai puternica alianta ever. In viitor, va fi precum EDEN, ONE, Phenix, CTRL etc.. pt mine a insemnat oportunitatea de a arata tuturor ca daca vrei ceva, poti realiza.

Joerx – Ce vei face in TWO pana cand vor gasi ''butoanele'' potrivite sa te inlocuiasca?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - deja m-au inlocuit, in 2-3 ore sunt out din TWO. M-am distrat putin dand niste legi aiurea, a fost de-ajuns. deja legea se voteaza .

Joerx – Stii cine va fi inlocuitorul tau? ce stii despre el?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Magic Hereos, un copchil de 17 ani din Polonia. A fost de 2 ori CP in Polonia si o data CP in UK. In plus se ocupa de ministerul imagrarilor in Polonia de cand ma stiu eu in erep. El e de vina ca nimeni nu poate lua cs in Polonia.

Joerx – Ce vei face dupa ce legea va trece?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - eViata mea nu depinde de pozitia mea in joc. SG TWO am fost pt. a demonstra multora din eRO ca se poate si pt. a-mi demonstra mie ca pot.

Joerx – Ma refeream mai mult la locatia in care o sa activezi. Era urmatoarea mea intrebare: pe cand intoarcerea activa in ERomania?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Momentan sunt in congress in UK, nu stiu cand voi reveni in eRO. Poate ma duc in eHun, depinde cum vor fi apele mai departe. Depinde unde va fi mai multa nevoie de mine insa pt. eRO voi lupta mereu, direct sau indirect. Cand voi considera ca eRO are nevoie de mine, ma voi intoarce. Inca mai am de facut / stricat treburi in tari straine.

Joerx - Urmaresti inca viata politica si militara din eRomania dovada prezenta ta pe chaturile romanesti. Cum se poate diminua, dupa parerea ta, autodivizarea eRomaniei?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Inca urmaresc si citesc presa din eRO. Trebuie sa avem toti un tel comun, trebuie sa lasam dreq trecutul in urma. Cromania a murit de mult, eden a murit de mult, urmeaza China.

Joerx - In ce fel crezi ca se poate incerca readucerea in tara a tuturor romanilor emigrati prin toata lumea?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Cand RO va avea bonus constant 100% la arme, atunci vor reveni toti.

Joerx - Pe cand va putea eRom incerca un razboi impotriva unei puteri zonale de tipul ungariei, de exemplu?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - In conditiile actuale, niciodata urmatorul meu target e RO - HUN MPP.

Joerx - Sunt doua curente opuse in eRom in legatura cu asta.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Ca sa treci puntea, te faci frate si cu dracul iar acum, este nevoie.

Joerx - Pentru cei nou veniti in joc sunt doua academii care isi disputa titulatura de ''scoala a piticilor''. Garda Nationala si Academia Templiera. La o prima privire GN se bucura de istorie si sustinere guvernamentala, in acelasi timp cu doar 27-30 membri cu tot cu ofiteri nu pare sa dea solutiile potrivite pentru noii jucatori. Academia Templiera (tot la prima vedere) pare sa fie mai organizata si mai eficienta.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Merg pe varianta a 2-a Academia Templiera investeste in oameni timp si bani. GN-ul trebuie refacut din cap pana-n picioare. Nu mai poti creste pitici ca acum 3 ani, cati jucatori noi are RO pe zi?! Macar in academia templierii stiu ca aia nu sunt clone pt ca ii verifica bine. GN ce face?

Joerx - Cum ar putea lua sfarsit aceasta nebuloasa?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Oameni activi in GN, suport din partea statului pt upgrade de train.

Joerx - se poate imagina o sustinere guvernamentala pentru academia templiera in loc de cea acordata GN? Ar fi asta in vreun fel mai productiv pentru piticii eRomaniei?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Nu va fi asta niciodata. Academia Templiera e privata si asa va ramane.

Joerx - Un support din partea statului pentru upgrade de train ar insemna o investitie de gold insemnata pentru eRom

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Da dar va fi o investitie in viitori soldati ro

Joerx - Sunt de accord cu tine. In final daca doresti sa adresezi cateva cuvinte romanilor din joc

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Nu faceti ca mine!

Joerx – Iti multumesc pentru timpul acordat, mult success in urmatoarele tale ''aventuri'' in lumea eRep si speram toti sa te revedem in curand activ inca o data la noi acasa.

O productie Joerx. Toate drepturile rezervate



Hi everybody, today as the first edition of the magazzine The Last Line of Defence, i give you an interview with a man that many of you know, many of you respect and for which many of you had praising words. It’s about the leader of the most powerfull alliance ever created in eRepublik (TWO), an interview given in his last hours in such position. Known to the world as Sathan the leader of TWO, known to the romanians as Schmidt, a romanian who had (and would still have) many things to say in the public life of eRomania. A romanian who, we hope, we’ll see back active in eRomania.

Joerx – Hi and thank you for the amability to give us this interview. Let’s talk about the man: not many knows that Schmidt is now Sathan and I am sure that many would like to know the history of Schmidt. Who was he, where has he been and how did he choosed to leave us and transform into the leader of Two.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – It was in 2011, I was at work and I was kinda bored. I have read an real press article in the ‚’Cotidianul’’ magazzine where there was an presentation of the game created by Lemnaru, eRepublik, but it wasnìt an article ''baby boom'' type, but it was simply presented the firm and the strenghts of a man who created a game valued at 1kk Euro. Out of curiosity I have created my account but after the first 5 clicks I was bored already. That was in October and in November I have received a mail to get back in the game and since I’m an curious person I have decided to revisit the game. It was then when I really started to play the game.
The first UM I’ve been into was FSR at a time when I still didn’t knew much about the game, then I went to GN (nr.National Guard military school of the govt.) which I have graduated after about 2 months at 500 strenght and from there I went to Dracones (my respect for Zamolxes23 and the others) . From Dracones after an party with alot of drinking I ended up in BF. BF rullz!
I involved myself into politics, I was vMoD countless times, twice MoFA, trainee aMC EDEN when I got sick of EDEN and went to Serbia . It was about the time when EDEN disbanded. After that, in May this year, I thought it was the right time for a change. I was (still am) good friend of mittekenmuis so I went to UK where I found it easy to adapt (ok peoples, few..) and I thought I have a good chance to involve myself in the politics in the UK as well. The second month I have joined the UK congress and since then I was vMoD 3 or 4 months in a row and I still can’t forget that it was I and Sambo911 to win at the edge the battle in Dublin. Then I was MoD and the next month I joined TWO HQ as deputy Supreme Comander, it was then when I thought that I was ready for the great step to run for TWO SG and I’ve made it. The rest is can can...

Joerx – Who is Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt in rl?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - 30 male Bucuresti, rocker, drunky, I work in sales. I have graduated ASE (nr.Academy of Economic Studies) after 2 wasted years in the robotics academy and I am still unmarried thou I plan to change that very soon.... Btw, changing my name in eRep had nothing to do with the fact that I have applied as TWO SG. Everybody already knew that I am romanian.

Joerx – Can you tell us why did you changed your eRep name?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – Because I was dead drunk and I found no better way to spend 5 gold and beside my name was popping up in every google search by name and I hated it.

Joerx – Can you give us a link to an photo of yours?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - of course, there it is, from 2011 I think, artmania. . That is my FB account where you can find more pictures.

Joerx – What kind of military, politic and diplomatic abilities are required for one to become the leader of the most powerfull alliance in ERep?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - I had the great advantage to be MoD in UK, MoFA in RO and vMoD several times but those are not a must. One needs to be as active as possible and lots of time online, to have nerves of steel is a must (I didn’t had nerves of steel). I end up beeing on IRC 16-17 hours a day which in the end was way too much.

Joerx – Let’s talk about the alliance. How much population, economic strenght, Mus, factories and fire power are we talking about? Do you keep statistics?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – The alliance is only about 2 super powers: Serbia si Polonia. No statistics are beeing kept but the Polish are beeing well organized. One can tell when they join a battle.

Joerx – How much does Hungary count in the balance of power?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – very little they are not very involved in TWO and usually they seek for their own interests. Have a look what happened with Belarus. Hungary sold them out for one oil region.

Joerx - How manages one to deal with the interests of 19 different countries? How do you find the middle way?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – I have tried alot: I have spent weapons, time, gold to deal with the interests of an alliance of 19 countries. I have tried my best to offer to NZ and Australia an congress, yet I have failed. When everybody is fighting only for their own bonuses, you can’t sucseed.

Joerx – Are you saying that the priorities of the alliance are beeing taken lightly?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – The priorities of the alliance are: 1.Polonia 100% Bonus 2. Spania / Serbia as much as possible and then the rest.

Joerx – I see, but it probably wasn’t like this from begining... how did TWO evolved from its begining till now?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Honestly, I don’t know much of the history of TWO. There was Phoenix, One, Two, next is Three.

Joerx – We reach an key point of this interview: you have proposed to remove from the alliance certain countries. Which ones and what were the motives to make such decision?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – There were some decisions taken when I was drunk but also beacause of the trolling. I was already under impeachment from months now, but they didn’t demoted me in the game. I wanted to show how I would like TWO to be: without Poland and Spain, without UK which is the puppet of Poland, without Austria and Slovakia which are countries under Hungarian/Serbian PTO, but an alliance TWO with RO and Argentina inside (irland si russia proposals were just for mockery).

Joerx – Can we make public the link to an printscreen of all your proposals?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – There is no point to that, it has been already made public and there was an strong reaction of troll and anger.

Joerx – You have anticipated my next question: your last calls had an very strong negative response from the members of the alliance. Who is still on your part of the barricade inside of the alliance?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – That’s a tricky question. The people who knew me in game will still be with me. I just need an break for the moment, maybe the world will start forgettins some of the follish things I have done.

Joerx – What means TWO for ERep and waht it will mean in the future? What does it means for you?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - In erep, TWO means the most powerfull alliance ever created. In the future it will end up like EDEN, ONE, Phenix, CTRL etc.. For me it meant the opportunity to show everybody that if you strongly want something, you can acomplish it.

Joerx – What will you do in TWO till they’ll find the right ''buttons'' to replace you?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – They are already replacing me, in 2-3 hours I will be out. I have had a bit of fun giving some silly laws, it was enough. The law to replace me is currently beeing voted .

Joerx – Do you know who will be your replacement? What do you know about him?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - Magic Hereos, an 17 year old child from Poland. He was twice CP in Poland and once CP in UK. Plus he handles the ministry of immigration in Poland since I play erep. He is to be blame that no one can have cs in Polonia.

Joerx – What will you do after the law to replace you passes?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – My eLife does not depend on my position in the game. I was SG TWO in order to proove many peoples in eRO that everything can be done and to proove to myself that I can do it.

Joerx – I was more about the location in which you’ll choose to be next. It was my next question: when will you return active in eRo?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – For the moment I’m in the UK congress, I do not know when I’ll return in eRO. Maybe I go to eHun, but that depends on how will things evolve. It also depends where I’ll be more needed but for eRO I’ll allways fight, directly or indirectly. When I’ll see that eRO needs me I shall return. But for now I still have things to do / undo in other countries.

Joerx – You are watching the political and military life of eRO and proof to that is your constant presence on the romanian chat channels. How do you think about the self divisation of eRO society, how can it be decreased?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – I am still watching the life in eRo and still reading the press. We must all unite for an comune goal, we must once and for all leave the past behind. Cromania is long time dead now, eden is long time dead now, next is China.

Joerx – In what way you thinkwe can make all the eRO players emigrated outhere to return back to the country?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt - When RO will have constantly 100% bonus to weapons, then they will all return.

Joerx – When do you think that eRO will be able to engage against an zonal power like hungary for example?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – Under the current circumstances, never. One of my next goals is RO - HUN MPP.

Joerx – There are 2 different currents of opinions in eRo for such a thing..

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – To pass the bridge sometimes you need to make a pact with the devil and now that is what is needed.

Joerx – For the newcomers in the game there are two military units that are competing for the title ''school of the small ones''. Garda Nationala and Academia Templiera. At the first GN has on its side the tradition, the history and the govt support but at the same time with only 27-30 members (officers included) it doesn’t seem to be able to give the right solutions for the new players. Academia Templiera seems to be more organized and efficient.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – I am definitevly choosing the second option. Academia Templiera is investing time and money. GN must be reinvented and rebuilt entirely. We can no longer grow players like we used to 3 years ago, how many new players does eRo have daily?! At least in AT they surely know that the ones they have are not clones of anyone as they are verifying them well. What does the GN do in the mean time?

Joerx – How could these doubts end?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – Active peoples in GN, support from the govt. For upgrading the train.

Joerx – Can it be imaginated an govt support for AT instead of the one curently granted to GN? Can it be in any way more efficient for the small ones?

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – It can never be done. Academia Templiera is an private academy and it will stay like that.

Joerx - An support from the govt for training upgrade would mean an big investment of gold for eRom.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – Yes but it will be an investment into the future soldiers of eRo.

Joerx – I agree with you on that. In the end if you would like to adress a few words to the romanians in the game.

Sathan a.k.a. Schmidt – Don’t do what I’ve done!

Joerx – Thank you for your time, goodluck in your next ''adventures'' in the eRep world and we are hoping to see you soon back home.

An Joerx production. All rights reserved.