Interview with Indian president maverick

Day 1,611, 22:00 Published in Pakistan China by AhmadMukhtar1
Q1.Introduce yourself?

Ans.Answer1. Hi, I am Mav & I've been around since March 2009 (this being my 2nd account). I'm Indian irl & have spent most of my active e-life in India, though I've held citizenship in Austria & Ireland briefly.

I started my eRepublik 'career' as an Internal Affairs intern in my 2nd month here, and have been primarily involved in various branches of Government since. Moreover, since V1, I've never been much of a soldier or a businessman. And though I have experience is Party politics, it is one aspect that interests me the least.

In Governance, I've worked as part of our Foreign Affairs, Anti-PTO (ATO) team, Internal Affairs, Ministry of Expansion, Prime Minister, Head of Congress and in other capacities. Of this the Foreign Ministry is where I've had the pleasure & honor of working most extensively and during very crucial periods in eIndia's history. Though I've been CP 4 times, including the current one, I must say I don't see myself as having being really successful as a President, given how much I could (and couldn't) achieve in the past terms. Hopefully this term will be the exception and as of now, it is shaping up to be so.

The one thing that I have loved the most is engaging in media and though I am not as active there as before, I still consider myself as a 'media-person' here.

Q2.In the real life what is your occupation?

Ans.. In real life, I work freelance in media; primarily ads, documentaries, stage productions etc.

Q3.When you become indian president?

Ans.I've been Indian President for 4 terms, being the 19th Indian to hold the post. I have been elected to office for the terms in March (26th Indian President), April (27th) & September (32nd) 2011 & this current (39th) term.

Q4.What is your fealings about erepublik?

Ans.Of course the game could use a lot of improvement - better political module, ability to publish internationally, less dependency on buying gold (though I understand it pays for a free game, so I don't get why people crib about it all the time). But for me as with most others, the main attraction is of course the community. Also in many ways eRep reflects real life - no other game have I seen, where people's prejudices, their hunger for power (even virtual) plays such a big role. On the other hand too, no where have I come across people so dedicated to their community & belief systems.

Q5.Which is your favourite country in erepublik?

Ans.Besides India, that would be Ireland. One of the most resilient nations I am proud to know. Otherwise, I have great respect for the communities in South Africa, Bulgaria, Australia, Austria and well practically all over the eWorld. 😃

Q6.What is your fealings about epakistan?

Ans.I've been involved in many wars & negotiations with Pakistan over the past couple of years. In fact I came back to the game after a 9 month break at a time when Pakistan was wiping us out. Since then I have met some very good folks whom I've considered friends in Pakistan over time and of course made quite a few enemies (mainly amongst the wannabe Dioists). Personally I have worked hard to dispel the negativity of India-Pak's real life conflict, though people from both sides are guilty of fueling them.

But at the end of the day, we're in opposing alliances. While I do not wish any nation to be wiped out for as long as Pakistan has, I believe Pak brought about their downfall themselves-they failed to hold on to the guys who were genuinely talented and could have taken Pak to glory & freedom - for instance guys like Maveriq, Kualkerr & others and they succumbed to the hate-mongering of a few, and the result is evident.

We are both small nations however and I still wish all the very best to Pakistan, even if someday we meet again on the battlefield.

Q.7.Who is the biggest enemy of eindia?

Ans.If we are to single out a nation, that would be Serbia - on the battlefield and via PTO than any other. But collectively it would be ONE (formerly Phoenix) in general. Mainly for their months of PTO attempt than anything else.

Q8.Who is the biggest friend of eindia?

Ans.Heh tough question. As a nation, Bulgaria & China are both very close & we've had a special bond with both. As an alliance, even though we have had our differences in the past, EDEN, especially Romania has stood with us since V1 days and vice versa. I must also give a special mention to the US crack military unit, Seal Team 6, who have been simply awesome allies from the days they fought alongside us for our liberation from Iran back in 2009. Of Of course, over time, many other nations & military units have been great allies and friends, and my salute to all of them.course, over time, many other nations & military units have been great allies and friends, and my salute to all of them.

Q9.Do you want friendly relatonship between epakistan and eindia?

Ans.. Well as I already said before, I've personally worked to develop a 'good relationship' between our nations. However, to me that means respecting each other, and not letting real life conflicts come into the picture. But we Are in opposing alliances and while we Have negotiated our way out of tough spots before, if the opportunity arises where we have to go to war, I wouldn't shy away from it, whatever the outcome. Who knows, it might induce that illusive babyboom for both of us & make us the superpowers that we both deserve to be.

Q10.In eindia some people are anti epakistan and in epakistan some people are also anti eindia how can we change their thinking?

Ans.. Yes well, that has always been a problem, and unfortunately people tend to bring in RL hatred (which in itself is unjustified to me) into the game. Some of us have been promoting good relations however, making personal friends, especially over IRC & supporting each other in media. We simply need to continue to do so, developing a better understanding of where each of us come from and how similar we are in terms of culture and as a people. If you see, recently AV Khan, a popular ePakistani citizen and a very good friend to many of us got eIndian citizenship - which possibly would have been unthinkable at one point of time. So there has been a lot of progress & understanding. Am sure there will be more.

Q11.Please convey your message to our readers?

Ans.. Thank you for this interview. My apologies for the long responses. Those who know me, know its an old habit of mine. I wish all the very best to Pakistan & hope you become a prolific writer and successful citizen as well. Play clean, play with respect. o7

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