Day 1,203, 04:16 Published in Greece Greece by Omino

Some information about the administrators of the game(info were taken from erepublik official wiki)

The mihai

(the most appropriate choice.Her programming skills are obvious such us her red suspenders)

1)he likes nurses(me too,especially the one in the picture)
2)he likes blondes(i preffer brunettes)

Alexis bonte

1)He prefers to film with a laptop than a camera
2)He was a spy during his stay in Spain
3)He was accused for money laundering(When you got the laundering machine,then you're 100% clean)

George lemnaru

1)He uses multiple accounts(LOL,now i understand why multies are not banned)
2)He used to be model(Rumors)

The Information was taken from the official erepublik wiki,the authorities did not change them so i suppose they're accurate.I have not made any changes/improvements on wiki.