Independence day

Day 921, 03:35 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by googoodoll

Coloana sonora :

As you all Know, the presidential elections are closing fast.
eMoldova has a few candidates, some new, some old, well, here are some of their/our thoughts,( no offence people, it’s just for a little fun).

President Thomas Whitmore –aka Lady Indra: I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?
Julius Levinson - aka Ardei9: You don't actually think they spend 20,000.00Gold on a hammer, 30,000.00Gold on a toilet seat do you?

Captain Steven Hiller-aka Simon Santo: I ain't heard no fat lady!
David Levinson- aka Alter-Dio: Forget the fat lady. You're Obsessed with fat lady. Just get us out of here!

SETI Chief - aka Pamarand: [answering telephone] If this isn't an insanely beautiful woman, I'm hangin' up.
SETI technician – aka Googoodoll: Sir, I - I- I think you should listen to this.

Video Newscaster- aka Mythrutz: [TV news anchor reporting] Once again, the L.A.P.D. is asking Los Angelenos not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft. You may inadvertently trigger an interstellar war.

Marty Gilbert-aka Radu Pangaiu: [seeing the approaching explosion] Oh, crap.

Major Mitchell-aka M Bogdan: What your father did was very brave. You should be proud of him.
Miguel Casse-aka Teddyb95: I am.

Captain Steven Hiller-aka Simon Santo: Didn't I promise you fireworks?
Dylan Dubrow – aka Maniu: Yeah.

David Levinson- aka Alter-Dio: You really think you can fly that thing?
Captain Steven Hiller- aka Simon Santo: You really think you can do all that bullshit you just said?

Russel Casse – aka Omae: I picked a helluva day to quit drinkin'.
Russel Casse- aka Omae -: Ha-ha-ha! Hello, boys! I'm back!

Dr. Okun – aka Konnarcis3: [before showing the aliens to the President Whitmore] This is the vault. Or as some of us like to call it: The Freak Show.

President Thomas Whitmore aka Lady Indra: What do you want us to do?
Captured Alien- aka mr.rety: Die. Die.

Captain Steven Hiller-aka Simon Santo: No, you did NOT shoot that green shit at me!

Albert Nimzicki-aka Smif : I'm not Jewish.
Julius Levinson – aka Ardei9: Well, nobody's perfect.

Captain Steven Hiller-aka Simon Santo: I have got to get me one of these!
President Thomas Whitmore-aka Lady Indra: Mr. Levinson, you're mistaken. There is no Area 51. There is no spaceship:
Albert Nimzicki- aka Smif: Uh... Mr. President. That's not entirely accurate.
David Levinson –Alter-Dio: What, which part?

Russel Casse -aka Omae: Payback's a bitch, ain't it?

President Thomas Whitmore-aka ANYONE of us: It's a fine line between standing behind a principle and hiding behind one. You can tolerate a little compromise, if you're actually managing to get something accomplished.

Please don’t throw eggs and tomatoes ! 😃

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