Improvements for the future

Day 753, 05:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The B

Following the failure of the new training system to impress, I decided to draw up a list of things I would like to see in Erepublik that just might work:
(These are not researched within the forums, I just got them from looking round the website, so they could be totally wrong.)

1) More focusing on the Earth, e.g. adding natural disasters could be fun.
2) More focusing on technology e.g. adding the quaternary sector (where they do all the high-tech research etc) so countries can research and build stuff like nuclear weapons 🙂
3) Courts (I got this from the mhcavalier newspaper, read about it here).
4) Rewards for counties with little crime (players cheating).

That's my list for now, but I may have more ideas so watch this space. Send me your ideas to get them published.