I Salute You/Tyler's Special Gift

Day 2,489, 10:50 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

Well, I am recovering from Thursday’s battles and I think my trigger finger has finally quit cramping up. I basically eslept for two days and when I woke up and looked around my bunker it was littered with spent shell casings and energy bar wrappers. I am not sure what happened to Sasha.

I think she might have run off with Tyler. You should read his article here. Who could blame her really, he and his administration did an amazing job dealing with the “invasion” and he deserves a reward of some kind. Sasha has lots of special gifts so enjoy!

I don’t know if I would really call it an invasion, it was more like just dumping bloody bodies on the streets of New York by the thousands. Futile and stupid, but other than a big mess, it really caused no harm.

To say I am proud of the way this country and its allies responded would be an understatement. Too many people stood up for the eUS to even mention. Most of those folks know who you are, and even if I could name you all, the vast majority that fought that day didn’t do it for glory or recognition. We did it because it was the right thing to do. We fought not just to defend the eUS but more to take a stand against the RL evil that was brought into this online game.

I heard from numerous members of Mobile Infantry of Thailand that this airstrike was to commemorate their MU’s ebirthday and nothing more. Never mind they just happened to attack the eUS. Never mind that they attacked New York of all places. Never mind the icons of planes hitting towers attached to their shouts. This attack on this day was the most classless, ignorant and futile event I have ever witnessed in this silly game we play.

I would like to congratulate my Cloud for being as much of an a$$hat as the rest of his buddies that day. Talk about butthurt, after dropping 40 million damage on a D1 battle and losing, I get this response to my good-natured ribbing…

PM from my Cloud

I won’t put the actual link in, but it’s a cockpit video of the plane hitting the first tower. Don’t tell me this isn’t about real life.

I can’t say I have always been a fan of the way this country conducts itself. I have ranted and raved about numerous things. Tax rates, elitists, the silly war against eCanada that went on way too long to name a few. Thursday though we all got it right. We all stood as one and rallied proudly around our flag and put on a amazing easskicking. These ladies certainly inspired me!

As is my custom, everyone who stood and fought that day is invited over for…

patriot soup!

Thanks again to all the eUS citizens, allies and friends who shed blood to defend against the zealotry and evil that visited our shores. I salute you all!

P.S. I need 25 comment for my mission so an extra helping of delicious soup for your comments. Thank you.