I Am Back...

Day 1,102, 14:01 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X

It’s been a long, long, long time since I’ve written an article. I stopped writing basically when the eUS military took over my eLife. When V2 hit, my attention in the game as a whole waned and I slipped quietly into retirement (re: basically quit)…

But I’m back now - rejuvenated by the death of V2 and ready to play again. I have since rejoined the eUS Army as a Ranger and am now in the eUS Congress representing the nutmeg state of Connecticut in the 36th Congress. Even though it was a congressional freeze and seats were pre-selected, I have to thank a few individuals who helped send me to congress yesterday and some old eFriends (and some new ones) for re-igniting my interest in eRep…

The first and only political party that I have ever been a part of since joining eRep 536 days ago. Good, strong group of really smart players. Thanks for giving me a shot at Congress. Hopefully you won't regret it. 😉
Haliman, SGGHays, Laxsnor, Cromstar, Speedcast McNasty, Ligtreb and of course, the illustrious Ian John Locke IV.

A band of brothers (and sisters) like no other.
Bombonato, Kria Erikson, Jon Barack Bluejacket, Redbirdusa, Kyler Lee Octan, Wakyz, Kolv1k and Ralphy Pants.

Long time friends (and one new one!) who have stuck with the game and somehow dragged me back into it. Thanks a lot… (/sarcasm)
Pfeiffer, Jerseygirldani, PigInZen, Zyria, Bia Pandora, Blue Holt and ProjectAce.

There were a number of blockers who intentionally or not, caused a little panic for some congressmen during the freeze. A few even got elected! But not in Connecticut. The four eUS citizens who blocked for me were fantastic. Thanks a bunch, guys! You are all class acts.
GoalieBCSC, Clorox2, Dave Richards and Borntopwn777.

There are many, many others who I know (and probably like very much) but may have left off this list by accident, and if I’ve forgotten you, I apologize in advance. I’ll get you next time. 😉

Thanks for reading.
