I am a Republican not a Democrat.

Day 2,946, 18:32 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

In recent days, there was a lot of discussion of revolution and democracy. The resurrection of eBE's prodigal son demanded democracy and revolution against the elites and the old establishment. But to what end? The claim of democracy? Freedom? I do not understand these concepts as absolute democracy and freedom does not exist. While it is fair to say or system is not fully democratic as it only represent those who vote. No one can truly claim representation of the majority or the plurality but nevertheless, we are a republican government representing those who are active. As to freedom, I would argue it never existed. As one cannot be truly free. As man is confined by the concept of society and community, we escape the state of nature to promote and to obtain public goods. In short, the recent cries for freedom and democracy against the "elites" are nothing more but populist rants trying to TRUMP the current political discourse and policy agenda.

Despite the cries for liberation and the battle cries for the people to rise, we see the same people who rally to his cry. He invokes the cries of democracy and the people's voice but the head of this serpent does all of the talking, pandering, and posturing. One cannot help but to think of Michel's "Iron Law of Oligarchy." Let's pretend that he is the honest in his belief in "democracy." But in the end, formal organization of bureaucracies inevitably leads to oligarchy, under which organizations originally idealistic and democratic eventually come to be dominated by a small, self-serving group of people who achieved positions of power and responsibility. This can occur in large organizations because it becomes physically impossible for everyone to get together every time a decision has to be made. Consequently, a small group is given the responsibility of making decisions. The end result is the establishment of an new elite class.

I do not claim to be a democrat in anyway. While I do claim on republican ideals with democratic values, I do not on purpose evoke the image of democracy as it is not possible. Voter turnout is low and no real coalition can claim the majority or plurality of the whole community. Realistically, we can only be a republic with democratic ideals. With that said, we do have election in congress, Country President, Party President, Supreme Court Justices, and Democratically Elected Dictatorships. This republican ideal aims to make it more equitable with an increase diffusion of power. While it is not the ideal system, we are limited by the game mechanics. With that said, I am honest about who and what we are. Never would I proclaim and use grandiose and cavalier statements of "the people," "freedom," and the like. For it is something we cannot fundamentally obtain and achieve.

With that said, we do hold democratic ideals and values dearly. This is holds true both from an idealistic and powerless perspective. Idealistically, we values the tenets of democracy as many of us sees it as an equitable system. Most in our society welcome dissent as it is needed in a democratic system. Most would welcome civil disobedience. While it is hard to define what it is in eRep, but the actions of eBE's prodigal son threatens the well being and integrity of eBE. Looking at history, he ignored proper citizenship procedures and even invited hostile agents to PTO eBE. Now he is trying to rid eBE of their republican dictatorship without any comprehension of game mechanics and significance to eBE security.

In the end, all we have is dissonance. We have a voice who proclaim freedom, liberation, salvation, and independence while undermining the sovereignty he claims to support. His claims of "the peoples' voice" and democracy is contradictory to inevitable fate. The platform of his rancorous proclamations is nothing but a shout of dissonance. A person who knows not of and understands not of both theory and practice. Rhetoric loud, substance none. Platform full of contradictions and conflicts in an effort to effort to TRUMP politics. Not for idealism, but as Michel's puts it, " [even the most] idealistic and democratic [institutions will] eventually come to be dominated by a small, self-serving group of people who achieved positions of power and responsibility." While he claims it to be freedom and democracy, I spare you the BS...