How the event will work. my take

Day 3,607, 08:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

On your campaign screen :- the one with all the battles . You will see different terrains as chosen by an official of the attacking side.

Say WildOwl(USA) chooses industrial in division 4 to attack Canada. Then if Im american and want to participate I need to assign my strength to the terrain to fight there.

If Biednymis had already set his strength to swamp he would score at 0 strength in that battle if he chose to participate. but if he has 40k strength still unassigned he can assign it to industrial and participate in the battle

So expect low scoring battles as always dominated by tanks as ofc they can use more eb's which would be the only determining factor left between you and him.

So basically its a war of attrition .

But tanks will be far less in a battle as ofc they need to buy reset skill token to reassign their strength after a battle.

Also ofc they will bother lower division less because they can assign only a certain amount of strength per division.