How are you doing?

Day 3,164, 12:56 Published in Estonia Estonia by Ripperi

Im doing fine. I was asked to perform a specialist job in Finn goverment, and due to my habit, i could not refuse it.

What i mostly do is just drink beer, and give people money.

Im the Vasily, except my name is Pekka, of course.

The Finn goverment is mostly offline cause its summertime, and i expect most of estonians are off duty during that time too i guess.

So had to ask what have you been doing lately?

Working, just resting, maybe renovating the house?

Im just filling the media with something since its been quiet lately.

Also giving out money for every estonian that comments to this article.

This guy is a Finn, and gets free money from goverment.

Julianos Kristofentus does not need to answer, he probably works 24/7 irl and does his erep stuff on his lunch breaks.

This is him, i know it.

Anyhow, blah blah, just comment on the article and get 200 cc if you are Estonian.

Regards : Petteri.