Hello eNorth Korea!

Day 2,804, 13:48 Published in North Korea USA by Altina Mel Sylphis

I am a new player I guess should introduce myself first so here it goes: My name is János,27 year old male and I am from Hungary. In my freetime I like to play games,like to cook.watching anime, and reading visual novels and also very important to note I am a lazy guy,you know the quiet shy type. I guess this is enough for now dont want to bore you not to mention I very much doubt that anyone will read this.

Now the question which undoubtebly arised why did I choose to become enorth korean citizen?
A small/quiet country like eNK with few people probably the most suited for me.
As for the game I very well informed not many chance remained for a new player so my goal is the write articles and get to know few player here and maybe make some friends too.
Thanks for reading,free feel to ask if any question or write if you want to talk.