Happy Birthday Cidadao!

Day 780, 16:28 Published in South Korea Italy by Apeiron

At the age of 20, we don't care what the world thinks of us. I can say it.
At 30, we worry about what it is thinking of us. Colinar said it to me.
At 40, we discover that it wasn't thinking of us at all. CIDADAO SAYS!

Apeiron and Nemo Moreno wants to be first guys to congratulate with Cidadao!

Happy birthday Cidadao!

Today is an important day for theocracy and all its adepts: Cidadao from now on will be 40 years old!

Apeiron and Nemo Moreno are the first guys that wants to congratulate with you man!

You are getting old, happy birthday anyay!!! :3

We wish another 40 years of this life!
As present take the hat you prefer, it's free!

from Apeiron and Nemo Moreno, with love!