Guide to the Forums - Part Two

Day 828, 11:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The B
The Citizens’ View
Guide to the Forums

Part 2: The Forums

Hello and thank you for reading.

This is the second part of my guide to the eUK forums.
I would first like to apologise for not publishing this sooner, but real life and Erepublik issues have been getting in the way.

Lets look at the categories:

Announcements - This contains announcements from the government
Military Orders - The latest MoD orders
Battle Analysis - This contains information on battles and any issues
Lobby - The place for general discussion about the government

DO NOT go blurting out what is in here in public, you need to sign up to see it for a reason!

General - General Erepublik discussion
Foreign Affairs, Economic and Military Discussions - For what they say they are
Technology Discussions - For discussions on scripts and tools
Entertainment - For things such as eCricket and other games
Regional - For councils and local discussion
Suggestions - For suggestions for the forums and the eUK

House of Commons - For congress debates
House of Lords - For old and wise congressmen
Public Discussion - For the public to discuss politics
Cabinet Offices - Place for the eUK cabinets

Private Forum Requests - If you want access to your party's forum, request it here
Party President Meeting Room - For party presidents to discuss matters
Your Party's Forum - Your party will have it's own forum, this may include many different subforums
Leaking of private forum information will result in a ban

Art, Films, Music and Books - You can request avatars in the art forum, or discuss any of the other things here
Comedy Stage - For any jokes, funny youtube videos, you get the picture
Brain zone - For debates about current affairs, scientific matters, and anything else that requires a brain
Games - For sports or video games
Random - For anything else
Bob Boblo's House - The house of Bob Boblo ( a good place to get to know the community)

Don't forget to vote and subscribe!
The next part will be coming out soon.
Thanks for reading!

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