Guide to the Forums: Part One

Day 816, 14:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The B
The Citizens’ View
Guide to the Forums

Part 1: Signing up

Hello and thank you for reading.

This is the first part of my guide to the eUK forums.

When you go on the forums, you will be greeted by this page:

(Bigger copy at

If you scroll down you will see more sections, but I shall cover those in part two of the guide.

Click on the general section. This is where the main Erepublik discussions are held. If you scroll down past the posts with an exclamation mark you shall see the current active topics.

(Bigger copy at

You will be able to view these discussions but not join in yourself. To do this you must sign up. You can do this by clicking the register button in the top left of the screen.

You must then agree to the terms and conditions and enter your details. It is best your username is the same as your Erepublik one. Complete signing up, and YES! You now have access to the full forums. You can post, make your own topics, vote in polls-
Before posting, read the forum rules. It may seem boring, but you won’t be so happy when you get banned.

Done that? Good!
A good first topic to post in is the introductions topic in the General section. You can then get to know the community.

So, you’re all ready for the next part of the guide. This will go over all the sections and what all those buttons do.

In the meantime, thanks for reading!