From intelligence to be stupid in some situations

Day 2,537, 12:08 Published in Saudi Arabia France by Arabtec

It is said that three people were sentenced to death by guillotine, they are: a world religion, and the lawyer and a world physics.

When the moment of execution offers a world religion, and the guards put his head under the gallows, and aske😛 "Is there a final word you want says"

He said a world religion: "God ... God ... .. God will deliver me from it."

When it was revealed the guards of the gallows, the guillotine came down and when she arrived to the head of a world religion stopped. People marveled, and sai😛 "release a world religion, God has spoken." He survived a world religion ..

The a lawyer, when his turn came in the guillotined aske😛 "Is there a final word you want says?"

He sai😛 "I do not know God as a world of religion, but I know more about justice, the justice. the justice are the the justice .. will deliver me."

And came down at the head the gallows lawyer, and when she arrived to his head stopped !! People marveled, and sai😛 "They released a lawyer, has
say her the justice. "Survived lawyer!

Finally came the role of a world physics, they asked him: "Is there a final word you want say ?"

The man sai😛 "I do not know God as a world of religion, and do not know the justice, such as a lawyer, but I know that there is a a node in the rope guillotine block down from the gallows."

They looked for gallows and actually found gallows prevent the a node down from the gallows, and resolve the node and lowered the guillotine on the physical the head of and beheaded!

Thus, it is better to keep your mouth locked sometimes, until if you know the truth.

From intelligence to be a stupid in some situations