Free weapons & food

Day 1,251, 02:00 Published in Croatia Croatia by Gheorghe Lazar
The actions begin and close at Day 1,251 of the New World

Hristos a înviat!
Happy easter! Paste fericit! Sretan Uskrs!

I offer free weapons and food who wants to fight for Romania / Croatia.
My conditions: to have citizenship Croatia / Romania and can not afford weapons.

If I consider that you meet my conditions I will make the donation.
Just send a PM or post a comment with text "I need weapons. / I need food. / I need weapons and food.

I don't speak croatian language so please write in english.

I have 4 stars weapons and 2 stars food.
You can receive 1 wep / 5 food / 1 wep+5 food.

I will post in this article who receive or not.
1. Damir Blumenschein1
2. nookie_hookie
3. mafima
4. indeficienter
5. slonic21
6. moskito_vt
7. 1LuDak1
8. Matko Gljiva
9. black miner
10. Lamadrien
11. Ante54321
12. najneindustrijaliziraniji
13. Hinko16
14. Robert-os
15. filip1911
16. scooterMarko
17. Atlantian
18. Mega Micica
19. iko175
20. Kuller

Limited stock!
This article can be edited anytime.
Next actions will be (depending on the fights) when I will publish next article.