Fraternal Union of Countries and Kingdoms - Unofficial

Day 1,736, 07:52 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

My fellow Americans,

We are legion.

14 days ago I introduced something I call direct democracy. This was probably the most transparent action ever done by any executive administration in this nation. The logic was simple, do what the people want. Afterall, we are not beautiful and unique snowflakes, your opinion should hold as much merit as anyone’s else’s. I think I am a minority in this view, but I hope that if anything is adopted by the next government from this administration, it is the consideration of the public’s opinion.

We started off the war with Indonesia with a rocky but successful start, but we’ve kept the momentum up and it has been a good experience. We now have more colonies, more America.

Its karma.

One year ago Indonesia joined the gangbang of eUSA, and now you are dying by our hand. I've taken the liberty of properly re-naming our territories.


Respect us or expect us.

And I would like to thank my cabinet and all of you for providing great support during these last 2 days, as I recently moved irl and lacked internet access for the grand majority of time. So a big shout-out for stepping up and handling things in this brief time.


D2 is a division of the battlefield in where we regularly have trouble. We have an older and more experienced citizenry, which is why we do well in d4 but lackluster in d2 and d1. I am creating a channel for d2 soldiers. Recently I messaged all d2 fighters to get a census of who has rocket factories and who doesnt. I got a strong response. So I’ll be creating a channel in where I wish for these fighters to idle so that this government and future ones have easy access to our citizens with rockets so that they may be subsidized if in the event we require extra damage.


The nations of Finland, Sweden, and Norway have recently watched Finding Nemo and decided to create an alliance named NEMO. It is essentially a Scandinavian bloc.
Part of their agreement is that they cannot MPP USA. Although I am sad to see Norway and Finland to accept such an agreement, I will not tarnish our relations because of this, and so far as I am concerned, we will remain on friendly terms until they give us reason to shift our foreign policy with them.

Edit: Well actually they changed their name to Asgard now xD, NEMO WAS BETTER IMO, but Asgard currently only include Finland/Sweden. And there is no longer the MPP stipulation, Asgard treaty found here:

Fraternal Union of Countries and Kingdoms - Unofficial

Since the eUSA is not officially part of any alliance, I propose we submit Fraternal Union of Countries and Kingdoms - Unofficial as our alliance name. Comment if you have a better name :3


President Glove