Fool Me Once...

Day 1,203, 20:10 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

The faces of deceit.

So tell me, iNCi, was it worth it?

You came to America with aspirations of training your babies. You originally wanted to get your members a higher level, and then move back to Turkey. You took advantage of American hospitality.

We welcomed you. We welcomed you with open arms, and you spat in our faces.

Politics was never in the original deal. We let you come here to train your younger players only. Then apparently, since you’re “American Citizens” now, you deserve the right to run for office.

No. You don’t. You broke our arrangement. You took advantage of multiple American presidents, and you manipulated them.

No more.

Was it worth getting the entire nation unified against you?

You can go ahead and try to PTO us now. You will not succeed. We stand united, in defense of our nation.

You guys are the owls. I prefer a different kind of bird.

Just a crazy ex-POTUS