FNN Upcoming Programming

Day 1,441, 13:36 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

In response to a severe article shortage, which has left a shameless request for subs by a Turkish militia as eJapan's only social article in the past two days, FNN's dedicated army of scriptwriting monkeys has come up with the following programming, which will be broadcast when we feel like it:

The Pastalia Newshour
Anchors C.L. Pastalia and C.L. Pastalia offer comments and analysis of recent news events. If there are none to talk about, we will manufacture some.

Interview with the Uchuujin
Join noted space cadet Yuki Nagato as she interviews various anime characters in willful defiance of the Berne convention*. May also contain actual eRep citizens if by some chance I can get Yuki's head out of her books long enough to interview them.

The Anime Apprentice
Only one of several anime characters will go on to host their own FNN show. Vote for the ones you like, and maybe they won't get fired!

* Disclaimer: Use of characters from anime, games and other media is intended as noncommercial use, legal under Japanese copyright law, and as fair use for purposes of US, EU and international laws. FNN: "Fair and biased!"