First Run For Congress

Day 2,919, 07:44 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Greetings I am James Schubert and would like to my express my intent to become more politically which I like to announce my first step to run for congress for the SFP. Like every eAmerican your probably scratching your heads asking yourselves who the hell is this guy and what the hell can he do for the damn country? You may say oh read his articles from his newspaper "The Lonestar Reporter" newspaper to ask one clear question: Is this guy for real and is he just talking bullshit? Yes I am for real and no I don't talk bullshit. The next question likely popping up in your brains does he have plans to take us forward to seize the future? The answer is yes that I do have ideas. I could later form some new ones with more discussion with all you.

If you like to know more about me I have a link to a newspaper article telling about my character and who I am:

For another my very first news article on how I roll:

Last is my article “A Return to Common Sense” I wish to share to all. I may not be Thomas Paine but hope to bring a new sense of spirit and patriotism combined with the will to fight no matter how many times you get knocked down you get back up and continue to fight till you achieve your goals:

My ideas and proposals I want to bring to Washington:

1) MPPS Pacts- Canada, Mexico, and Cuba

It is important while questioning dangers of Argentina as an empire, what fallout may come by focusing on our presence in Korea but we should be focus on the commitment with our neighbors in the western hemisphere. However we must not forget we must not forget the homeland and defending her from enemies that are either foreign or domestic. We should reengage relations with Canada, Mexico, and Cuba to make sure we have neighbors in North America on our side. Mutual Protection Pacts with our nearest would be a start in setting up an adequate defense of the homeland. I will only support MPP pacts if it vital in any overall current strategy that make sense. Less MPPS equals less spending on money for the military.

2) Strengthen the Pacifica Alliance

To build stronger allies in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East I like eUSA to extend invitations to UK, Ireland, Canada, Iran, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, France, Netherlands, Peru, Turkey, Mexico, and Cuba. Those in the Pacifica Alliance should be top priority when it comes to MPP pacts. Perhaps even Poland as well.

3) Trade Alliance

My view point on import taxes if we are willing to sell our products to other countries in their markets; it’s only fair that they do the same when it comes to selling their products in the U.S. market. This is where I somewhat agree with securing trade agreement with countries we do business with. Therefore I believe in interest of the U.S. to secure interested nations for a new trade alliance that will agree strengthen trade with U.S., advance further foreign relations and contribute to the overall world economy to improve it as a whole.

4) American Correspondents Association

Reward newspaper writers in the field of journalism by submitting articles that each can win an award in the following categories of warfare analysis, political debates and analysis, financial business and social interactions & entertainment. Awards could be cash, gold, or resources monthly. There would have to a be submission process and panel of some way to help narrow down to 3 articles each in each of categories to where political parties can take a full vote.

As a eCitizen that is running for congress for the first time I will just say I am not only running for the SFP, but running for the American people. We have challenges that are staring at us in the face. In order to make America stronger I support the strengthening of relationships abroad and more importantly at home. Any immigrant that wants to come here should be approved of citizenship. Only logical to say more citizens will equal a more broader tax base. While I commend Wild Owl on another victory, I too want to help by doing the things that must be done so our nation remains strong in the challenges that lie ahead. Our country should always be #1 on the list and we should support initiatives that strengthen America, not weaken it and continue to build relations across eRepublik.

If you believe in my message, my ideas and my spirit to make America stronger by engaging the international community, then support me and send me to Washington so our country can get things done. We should never shy way from the word "Unity" like its a bad word. If people believe in my message through earning my respect from other congress people and earning my trust we can achieve anything when we come together to do the important work that eUSA citizens wants us to do.

If any citizens, newspapers or media sources like to ask questions please submit in the comments area of this article or PM me. It is important that I engage with citizens with honest answers and let them know I am fighting for them. To that if any concerns please do express them because I will never leave America's side leaving them hanging in the dark.

Thank You and God Bless America.


Let's Rock The Vote With Schubert