Finally A Complete Nation.

Day 492, 18:43 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn

Greetings Citizens of Singapore.

I know I have been fairly quiet in my own newspaper as of late and for this I am greatly sorry. Much has been going on and I want everyone to know I work hard every day for Singapore and I would like to fill everyone in on some of that with this article. Without wasting anymore time I will get right to the points.

Our first Real Congressional elections having come to a close over the last day signals in a great moment of success for our nation. We had no outside parties or other nations come and try to do a Take Over for the first time in our short history and we didn't have to ask any outside nations for aid for the first time as well. This is a good sign for many reasons. One of which is the Take Over groups feel they cannot succeed and it is not worth trying any longer. This would largely be in part to the fact we have a large voting Citizen base now after the "baby boom".

I am so glad to say there is finally an official congress in Singapore and now we can work together to get our laws set up in a manner that will benefit all here in our nation. So Expect to see many new law proposals over the next coming weeks.

Also having our first Congress I would like to make sure every congress member takes the time to read the outlines and process of proposing laws as is written on the Congress section of the eSingapore Forums. There seems to be some misunderstanding here on day 1 of the new Congress and we all need to get on the same path as soon as possible and start using the forum more. This Forum is not the same forum as the eRepublik forum, this is a private forum for just eSingapore citizens and it is a requirement of all Congress and Government officials to use for communication purposes so please join it.

All regular citizens are more then welcome and highly encouraged to come and use the forum as well. It is very important for us to all communicate if we hope to be one of the best nations in eRep. And any Citizen can voice his opinion on matters of the nation or government too, so feel free to come help out.

Also a few days back as many may have noticed, Singapore signed an Alliance with Switzerland. Switzerland has been a good friend in the short time we have been in communications and has helped Singapore by importing raw materials for us so we can get more business operating. It has been a great boost to our economy. They also Signed a military pact with us so if Singapore is attacked by anyone the Swiss will come to our aid as the Defensive MPP activates. When this activates it gives Singapore access to a Q5 Hospital by moving to Switzerland to fight in Singapore's defense from there. This greatly improves our odds of being able to defend ourselves should the unfortunate situation arise of someone attacking us. Also we cannot forgot to mention the great Swiss citizens, who are some of the strongest war Veterans in the eWorld. Having them by our side shall we ever be attacked is indeed a great thing to have and I am greatly humbled by the friendship the Swiss have shown us. They even went as far as paying the Singaporean 30 Gold portion required to sign such an alliance as well as their own share.

I understand some people still may question this move but as the Swiss are officially a neutral nation we felt this a good move as the idea of remaining a neutral economical power in eRep is strong on our minds and we have no desire to side ourselves with the problems of the Atlantis or PEACE super alliances as they both come with their own bag of problems and enemies. Right now our interests lie in establishing diplomatic talks with many nations and possibly allying ourselves with other neutral nations that have similar goals as our own. Over the past several weeks myself and my Foreign Minister, ExoM7 have been busy doing just that and forming friendly bonds with other eNations.

Some people may also be wondering when Singapore gets our own Hospital? Well right now I am building the Singapore coffers of Gold through taxes, money market transactions and business to be able to afford such a project. Being that Singapore has 1 land we only desire the best so we must get a Q5 hospital from the start and not waste any money on anything less. This may take a bit longer then going for a lower Quality. But in the end it will be well worth it.

Also as many know the Organization "Singapore City Bank" is a government operated Org that I have established and operate for the benefit of all Singapore citizens. This Org, which is funded by tax dollars and wholly owned by the govt serves several purposes, of which I will list here so everyone has a better understanding.

* Singapore City Grain & Singapore City Food. Both companies designed with the new citizen in mind. The purpose of these 2 companies is two-fold.
- Reason 1, during the baby boom Singapore had no where near enough companies to employ our suddenly large citizen base. I have used both of these companies to provide unlimited jobs of all skill levels to the market so no citizen should ever have to be without a job. I have also made sure the pay for every skill level was at least reasonable although not high enough to compete with private companies seeking to actually employ citizens as well. It is highly encouraged that any citizen working for these 2 companies to seek our a job in the private sector as soon as they can find themselves a better paying offer. It is also encouraged that any private company seeking employees is free to message these workers asking them to come to your company.
- Reason 2, with so many new citizens the food market instantly went empty. Such is the reason I chose a Grain and a Food company to employ the masses of new workers. The grain was given to the food company and the food company was able to keep a reasonable cost food on the Singaporean market to help feed all the new citizens.

Both of these companies have been operating at no profits and in fact incur a mild loss of SGD for the government on a daily basis. But the facts remain I feel very strongly that they were necessary and provided a very good boost to not only our economy but also a stable environment for all our new citizens to come into. This game is difficult enough for a new player to learn without making them starving and unemployed as well.

* The 3rd govt. company is "Singapore City Arms", a company that's purpose is to create a national stock of weapons for use by the Singapore Military in the defense of Singapore should the need arise. This company will work at 10 employees of good Manufacturing skill levels for the ideal production rate to try and get as much weapons for every SGD spent. This company might seem expensive at first but I guarantee if we are ever attacked everyone will be quite pleased that we are able to provide ourselves with weapons for our own defense. Also on another note if we ever are in trouble for money we can always export these weapons to another nation to make much profits as well. So whichever path is eventually used it will be of great benefit to Singapore. I also currently work for this company for 1 SGD a day in an effort to help it grow and help Singapore at minimal cost. I will continue to do so as long as I can afford to.

* The 4th govt. company is "Singapore City Travel", a company that's purpose is to create a national stock of travel tickets for use by the Singaporean Military in the defense of Singapore or our allies should the need arise. This company works on the same basic principals as Singapore City Arms and will also be working to minimize cost and maximize production. Also just like the Arms company should the need arise we could always export stock to fund the Singapore Treasury.

My final note for the time being is the Singapore Treasury. "Singapura Organization" is where the majority of our govt funds are located (some are also on Singapore City Bank as previously mentioned). This Treasury is safe from Political Take Over by residing on a separate Organization account created by the admin and the password is given only to the Elected President. As I have heard some Citizens express the desire to donate to Singapore to help us grow our treasury so we can get a Q5 hospital sooner this would be where you would want to send your donations. You can also donate to the "economic" page when viewing the nation but then Congress must use a law to extract those funds to this Organization so it is easier for us if you donate directly.

On this same note I would like to remind business owners of Singapore that our Treasury Org is usually maintaining a balanced offer on the money market to sell and buy SGD. If you would like to help the govt get more gold you can also buy SGD from the Singapura Organization on the money market to help us build our gold quicker and get a Q5 Hospital sooner.

Thank you everyone for reading my article. I hope to publish articles with more regularity now as things start to become more manageable and more citizens come of age and help us establish our great nation together.

~ Madame President Arbryn ~