Exclusive inteview with Winston Churchill

Day 761, 08:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The B

This is a neutral interview with one of the most controversial men in the eUK.
Please vote, sub and message me your opinion for publication.

1) What is your ideal world?
My ideal world is a place where liberty and freedom are not infringed upon and that everyone has the right to express their views without fear of being persecuted for not jumping on a bandwagon that may be misguided and wrong.

2) You like the RFA, but they have called you a liar, amongst other things . What do you have to say to that?
Well, certain people are entitled to their opinion.

3) You say the UKRP was recently PTOed. What do you expect from Raziel Darkheart now he is leader of the party?
I expect Raziel to do whatever his handlers that helped put him there expect of him. I have therefore asked my supporters to help bolster the #3 party in the hope of draining Raziel of valuable members of our society that he has not earned the right to lead nor does he command their respect and trust with his underhanded and dishonest manipulative propaganda tactics.

4) If you were to create a new party, what would you call it and what would be its orientation and goals?
I would probably make a party called the British Conservative Party, as I believe in preserving our principles while making progress at the same time.

5) If this party succeeded and you became PM of eUK, what would be its national goals and most important policy?
- I would do my best to expand British influence in the world and to destroy the enemies of our nation. However, I would respect the rights of the people of our nation, something which the elites in power now do not seem to understand or care for.

6) Lastly, name one thing you think admin should do to improve erepublik.
They should put into effect an anti-domestic PTO system that does not allow people to switch parties several days before a PP election. I have been asking for this for months, and on the suggestion page it is very popular, yet the admins refuse to address it and this is just a crime against eDemocracy.

Thanks for having me.