eSK calls in for backup!

Day 899, 20:21 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

The enemy has called for reinforcements. It would appear that eSouth Korean president Al Dente, a former theocrat, has called in his theocrat buddies to fight for Korea. I'm sure we've all seen thier articles by this time. Personally I cannot say I am much surprised.

One thing that did surprise me is the unexpected ally eSouth Korea appears to have aquired. It would appear that eAustria is sending troops to Korea to help defend against us. This was announced here in the eSK media--> (

It would appear that this war will not be the cakewalk we once assumed it would be. It is likely we will win. One thing is for certain: We cannot lose. Failure is not an option for us any longer. If we fail it will shame our nation for ages to come.

On the plus side, and an encouraging note, we cant be conquered assuming eSK gets some bass in thier voice later on and actually somehow manages to beat us back to our home regions. To so much as attempt to assault our homeland would set off our MPP's, something they cant hope to win against.

Citizens of eJapan, remain vigilant! Fight for our nation and try to hold your battles until it is most opportune to attack. DO NOT FORGET TO FIGHT 5x and heal! Beware of glitches. Theres been reports of a hospital glitch which rolls back a click and doesnt heal you. If your refresh and you didnt heal up, try again. Dont forget; once the threshold crosses into a new day you cant heal for the previous day's damage.

Above all else, FIGHT FOR OUR NATION! We will win this!

Fight for eJAPAN!!
Ten thousand years!!

thanks for reading