Editorial 05: Day 1,330 - A Kiwi Affair

Day 1,330, 04:20 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Another day, another screw up, usual suspects.

The on-going war between those who want DocterDry as Prime Minister and those who don't, has just reached another level of stupidity.

A "Natural Enemy" against New Zealand law has been proposed again for this on again, off again, on again, off again Training War.

We thought there was an agreement between the last term Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand (not 100% sure - lost track through all this mess) for a TW.

Timing was bad however, with the NE being proposed during election day. DocterDry as the leading vote getter at the time sad he's soon to be elected kiwi counterpart had no-idea of such deal and asked senate to vote no (though DD was not in the position of authority at such time to order that).

Anyhow, the TW just gets defeated.

Within his first 48 hours as leader DocterDry announces there will be a Training War with NZ. So it looks on again.

An article is published by Callumh123 saying there will be a TW and it will be proposed in the next day and senators should vote YES.

A conversation takes place on IRC where Timeoin (senator and resident Australian idiot) wants to ask the PM, should he begin the NE process.

Through DocterDry's great transparency policy, the senator is on ignore.

Timeoin takes matters into his own hands and starts the NE process with the YES vote currently winning 8-4.

It's soon discovered that the Kiwis wanted the NE delayed so Ausutralia can build up it's MPP stack.

So now we have a right royal mess... who do we blame?

BOTH Timeoin and DocterDry are to blame... and both for different reasons.

First, Timeoin should have known better than just to go ahead with an NE without the Prime Minister's CLEAR say-so in senate.

In the past, the PM would declare in senate what NE (or Peace) or other law action to take place in game and would ask for the first available senator to do so.

Timeoin has been around this game long enough to know EXACTLY what he was doing and what S*** Fight this would stir up.

On the flip side, DocterDry is at fault for not keep senate up-to-date with a thread in senate to explain the TW situation.

A post SHOULD HAVE been made in senate announcing the Kiwis have asked for a delay and to wait for further instructions.

Likewise, a clear article (not a trolling one) should have been made by the PM in eRepublik instructions senators to vote NO and the reasons why.

To date, a clear (non trolling) and official article has not been done.
Transparency FAIL

A leader is always going to have their opponents who will try and block what they do.

Great leaders rise above and either come to an arrangement with their opponents or ignore them and operate a strong government, leaving their opponents to look childish.

The moment you engage with name calling/trolling, you've lost the battle with your opponents.

At the moment DocterDry's opponents will do anything and everything they politically can do to stop he's government... and guess what kids... that's politics!

DD's done it to others and now it's coming back to bite.

Look at Real Life - You know Tony Abbott will do everything on a political level to stop Gillard's Carbon Tax - you wouldn't expect anything less.

To be honest DD, if I was a senator now, I'd be looking at creating other NE or Law Proposals to slow your government to a crawl - it's a political tactic.

Now the average n00b would ask, why do such a thing?

Well it's pretty easy to be inspired to do such a thing with your Nation's Leader says on the forums... (July 12th, 5.31pm)

I managed to talk our way out of getting wiped the first time, but this time i can't.

You can all lie in your own feces. 🙂

Well Timeoin maybe an idiot, especially for that NE proposal, but for you DocterDry my response is...

Mr Crumpets
My views do not represent the whole GGP, but damn well should!