Editorial 03: Day 1,325 - DocterDry's first 24 hours as PM

Day 1,325, 03:21 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Twenty-Four Hours has passed since eAustralia sensationally voted in serial pest DocterDry as Prime Minister of eAustralia.

Election experts explain his victory as a combination of pure numbers from the ANP, bored players wanting something different (no matter how dramatic) and a lulz candidate taking away possible votes from the only (though half-hearted) challenger.

DocterDry's win is possibly the 2nd election in a row where there was no real hardcore campaigning between 2 or more candidates.

Are Australia's citizens just getting bored with the game, are the parties to blame for not being active in the media or is Australia lacking a true leader that demands respect.

The first 24 hours of the DocterDry Prime Ministership were watched closely by both supporters and critics of the new PM.

It all got off to a bumpy start with IRC Logs produced, claiming a conspiracy to start a war with New Zealand to wipe Australia and hinder DocterDry's efforts to lead our country.

Things seemed to settle down once admin cleared the voting process and declared DD the winner and all passwords to Government orgs were handed over.

HOWEVER, within the last few hours, DocterDry has used his Prime Minister powers to deny Binda33 a role as dMoI (after being requested to do so by the MoI mbrennan) and despite (though not officially) the speaker traditionally having access to cabinet forum and IRC, Binda33 was shown the door there as well.

Inspector General Ranger Bob quickly swung into action and pointed out the PM is allowed to do take this action, but noted it's normally a courtesy that the Speaker has that access, mainly to keep senate in the loop.

Green and Gold Party media officer Mr Crumpets began investigating to see if the new Prime Minister DocterDry had broken any of he's election promises.

Mr Crumpets found the following from "A Plan for Action"...

Transparency - If i win government, i promise that my government will be transparent and communication will be paramount.

Also from Transparency - ...And i will certainly make article right away if something major happens.

Plus from the Prime Minister's first article... Citizens can expect regular updates like this in the future as soon as ANYTHING happens.

Booting the Speaker from the Cabinet room and IRC is a pretty deal, even if you have the authority to do it.

The citizens of Australia were rightly upset of the lack of communication between senate and the cabinet in the last term.

So booting the speaker, whose access to cabinet was all about keeping the senate informed, is a big slap in the face to voters who voted in DocterDry on his transparency platform.

We also wonder why the PM is yet to publish an article to the citizens of Australia explaining his actions - a year or two ago, any dramtic move like this warranted an article explaining why.

Mr Crumpets also pointed out from DD's Plan for Action, that when talking about his cabinet, DD said...

i can assure you that the people in my cabinet are well known, trusted individuals who get things done, just like me.

So trusted... that DocterDry's first move was to OVERTURN mbrennan's appointment of Binda33 as dMoI.

One must ask, who will be the next cabinet minister to have their decision overturned by the new Prime Minister?

In closing, we quote DocterDry's comments about old players in the "Plan for Action" pledge...

If our country starts to stabilize this will hopefully attract some people back.

Booted people and overturning decisions of 'trusted' people certainly doesn't help stabilize anything.

One must feel sorry for the political party watchdogs, The Green and Gold Party whose motto of "Keeping the Bastards Honest" may see them kept very busy this month.

The big question is... is DocterDry is ticking time-bomb, about to explode... and he if does, what will be damaged in the explosion?