EDEN - Engli6 ADVANCED 1 (the best of Latest EDEN HQ logs Part.1)

Day 1,581, 06:20 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Rayna Knyaginya

The best of Latest EDEN HQ logs Part.1

[21:06] Sorry for my fuckup with ereptime
[21:06] Agenda.
[21:06] 1. State of EDEN
[21:06] 2. Full membership of Albania (proposed by Romania)
[21:06] 3. Status on Bg / Tr situation - TTi + CPs Bg / Tr
[21:06] 4. Discussion on Isr / Cyp situation.
[21:06] We might need to flip 3 and 4 if kloraq wont make here earlier
[21:07] and please you must remember ... what happens in vegas stays in vegas!
[21:07] we don't want to see our summit log in pastebin
[21:07] yeah, so atleast 10 minutes before seeing the logs around
[21:12] believe me, the silence on summit is usual

[21:19] Russia out of eden?
[21:19] Russia is TERRA member, not EDEN's one
[21:19] They are Terra


[21:41] lets hug each other
[21:41] lol guys and girls indeed
[21:41] Hail Albania! \o/
[21:41] * oDdkID[BY] hugs TTi
[21:41] * Chew-Chew-Shoe[IRE] hugs oDdkID[BY]
[21:41] Welcome Albania

[22:07] Hello everybody
[22:08] Eden is brotherhood and here everyone should help its brothers in the name of the common prosperity. We requested officially the regions of Mazandaran and Semnan from Turkey in exchange for them being in GEA.
[22:08] They rejected our offer and named it condescending, thus ignoring the compromise we were ready to do. Obviously if eBulgaria takes these regions, Eden will benefit as a whole.
[22:08] * hoffa13 sets mode: +I Eashoa!*@*
[22:10] We talked a lot, waste a huge amount of time. The time for decision came. I want promise right now from Turkey, they will give us those 2 regions starting from the next RW
[22:11] Or we will ask for voting for expelling Turkey from Eden
[22:12] 10 days ago, Cratioan president, as a mediator, gave me a clear promise. You accept them fot trial, and if they do NOT give you those two regions, the Eden is closed page forever
[22:12] I can provide it to you
[22:12] So, No more time for wasitng
[22:12] We want actions now
[23:43] As Croatia is one of the founders of EDEN
[23:44] Our goverment brought up these decisions
[23:44] 1. Turkey will give those 2 regions to Bulgaria
[23:44] and Bulgaria will not ask for more
[23:44] 2. Bulgaria will accept Turkey's full EDEN membership
[23:45] If those 2 request aren't completed in the next 24 hours
[23:45] Croatia is ready to leave EDEN
[23:45] this isn't the way how brotherhood acts
[23:45] thank you
[23:45] hawkoulis[GR] you may continue

[23:55] we can't continue like this
[23:55] and if some countrys want to leave
[23:55] so be it
[23:55] the deadline is tonight
[23:55] so make a linger deadline.

[23:56] Also , I think Turkey need to pass the regions ASAP
[23:56] we leave Eden
[23:56] ok then
[23:56] we cannot hold on that anymore
[23:56] we are loosing people
[23:56] and they are the most important in the game
23:57] I already accepted turkey for trial last meeting
[23:57] ok
[23:57] I will
[23:57] give me your question
[23:57] If my gountry has not proud for you you aren t my ally
[23:58] you are my enemy
[00:01] Eden did not keep its word
TTi> Ok, ppl. Now we are going back on the depate on the proposals
[00:16] Tr has beeing saying for long time already
[00:16] that _AS_ full member they will give those two regions
[00:17] Bg has been saying the same time that THEY WILL NOT VOTE TR as full member.
[00:17] So we need to find other alternatives

To be continUED....

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