Easter Egghunt Competition

Day 1,249, 23:13 Published in USA USA by Darkskye

Well, it's Easter weekend, and if you haven't taken the weekend off, then you really need to burn some serious time. There's no better activity to spend your pre-election hours than by joining our

Easter Egg Hunt - another fun way to waste your time

I have asked 15 people to put an Easter Egg Image in their newspapers. The Easter Egg looks exactly like this:

All you need to do is grab your basket and find a DOZEN of them. Yes, you got it right. Only 12 out of 15. Here are the guidelines:

◘ The eggs will be posted by someone in my friend list. The good news is, I only have 169 friends, and many of them are retired or don't own a newspaper! So focus on my friend list!

◘ The eggs can either be placed in their latest article, or an older article. However, it will not be too old. I asked them to put it in an article not older than a week ago. So no need to go back by more than 7 days. Only 1 egg per newspaper.

◘ Some eggs have already been "dropped", but others will still be placed on Saturday. Keep an eye out for those freshly dropped eggs!

◘ If you are one of my friends who dropped an egg in your article, you can still play the game! Remember, there are 15 of you, and you only need to give me 12. ♥♥♥ Oh, and thanks for helping me with the game and being awesome! ♥♥♥

When you find the Easter Eggs, and you are done hunting for more, just go here to type your answers:

◘ You can enter your answers as many times as you want. When the contest ends, I will add all the eggs you found. Example: You found 2 today, 1 on Sunday morning, and 4 on Sunday noon. When the game ends, I will add them all up. You don't need to resubmit your old answers.

◘ Your prize is based on how many eggs you found. Finding 1 egg gives a tiny prize, but finding multiple eggs are definitely awesome!

◘ Contest ends on Easter Sunday, 6PM eRep time!

◘ When you visit other people's paper, and you liked it, please don't forget to vote it up 😉

◘ Prizes are below (right after this brief commercial)

You can't refuse the bunny!

Number of Found Easter Eggs
1 Egg - 1x Q3 Food
2 Eggs - 3x Q3 Food
3 Eggs - 6x Q3 Food
4 Eggs - 10x Q3 Food
5 Eggs - 15x Q3 Food
6 Eggs - 20x Q3 Food
7 Eggs - 25x Q3 Food
8 Eggs - 25x Q3 Food + 1x Q3 Artillery
9 Eggs - 30x Q3 Food + 1x Q3 Artillery
10 Eggs - 30x Q3 Food + 1x Q5 Tanks
11 Eggs - 30x Q3 Food + 2x Q5 Tanks
12 Eggs - 30x Q3 Food + 3x Q5 Tanks

PLUS!!! The first person to find all 12 Eggs will get a bonus of 2x Q5 Tanks!

Have fun, and ♥♥♥H♥A♥P♥P♥Y ♥♥♥ E♥A♥S♥T♥E♥R♥♥♥

It's Dark in here... join me next time for even more fun and games.

And if you really liked this game, please shout it to your friends!