Disillusionment of the Left

Day 3,242, 17:52 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Konrad Neumann
A special thanks to Aaron Mark Daniels.

Hello all. For those who do not know me, I am one of the eBelgian refugees that emigrated to the eUK. I was an eUK citizen back in the ancient days. I recall the time when TUP was a tiny new party and King Woldy was working on his first congressional election. I am back in eUK for good. I do want to thank the eUK community and government for their friendship and help. It is reassuring to know that we have great friends and support from our eUK brothers and sisters.

It is with an heavy heart to report of the loss of eBE. In the current presidential election, the PTOer candidate Monster Grinder is winning the election with over 10+ votes. The PTOers who did not muster over 35 percent of any votes 2 months ago is dominating the polls. Despite the effort of the legitimate parties, the PTOers will have power for a long time. The old establishment can either depart and leave like Fhaemita and myself or they can resist in vain.

However, my purpose of writing this article is not to report the politics of the PTOed eBelgium. My interest today is to analyze and discuss the language used by the radical left. I would of written this article sooner but I was pressed for time. However, I did recall a PCP article titled “Another PCP Article” While I am not here to bash the PCP for I do not know their involvement and style of politics; however, like many other leftist articles from around the world, it is vague and full of rhetoric. These are my thoughts when I read the article

The Peoples Communist Party needs you!

Why? What do you need them for?

Do you feel like you're not represented?

What makes the PCP as the source for enfranchisement? There is the Workers Party which is also “leftist”? What does leftist means in eRepulik? Do we want a communist regime? How does that work? Do we already own the means of production?

Do you want equality?

No, but I want a meritocracy where all can have an equal opportunity. I am not sure we can have equality.

Do you want everyone collectively working together?

But we already have communes in most military units.

Do you want an open democracy?

No, for it is against game mechanics and it will be too chaotic and inefficient.

Do you want support or guidance?

What kind of support or guidance do you offer?

Are you bored and want a social atmosphere?

How will you change the social atmosphere of eUK?

Fancy a change?

Depends on the change

This is what I see as the problem of the left in this game. The left is only interested in rhetoric and talking points. There is no vision or policies in their articles but all we see are romantic imagery. If the left is to continue with this path, they will continue to be dismissed as something loony. I feel in many ways it is a form of self alienation where they label themselves as an other. While I know many old great eMarxist especially those from eGermany and eNL, I do feel many of the newer stock are not into the true theories and practical concerns of governance.

I do admit my experience in eBE did influence my views. However, I do worry about the direction of some of the goals of the radical left. As with my past articles in eBelgium, I argued the hardcore eLeftist are ignorant of Marx and traditional leftist ideals. They are only interested in the romantic language of revolution where they are the underdog tasked with the “noble” purpose to destroy the existing norms, traditions, and the notion of the state as we know it.

They fetishize the society is corrupted and not free. While they never read the works of Rousseau, they did master the ideals and content of his works. They believe their will is that of the people. Their will is the General Will. They see it as their duty to force all others to be free under their will.

Once again, I am not suggesting the PCP is a problem at this point. My main concern is with the left itself. I am not sure what it means to be left or right in this game. I also worry about the vague and shallowness of leftist rhetoric. Lastly I do worry about the oppressive nature of some who evokes the image of the left. This is a struggle between the new left and the old left. The new left is interested in appearances. It is often times shallow. The question “Do you want equality?” employs people to not think. For most, do deny the desire for equality is damning. It can be used to shame the people who critique it. It is like asking “Do you support discrimination?” Most people will say no. However, we discriminate all the time. We choose which party to join, which CS we have, where to own companies, which MU to join, etc. The issue is not discrimination itself but is the form of discrimination just or unjust. With that in mind, the left needs to explain their vision of what a just society is. Instead of using overly simplistic questions and rhetoric, they should offer a solution to the problems.

I am not a person who hates the left and enjoys bashing them for fun. However, I am worried and concerned with the actions and the style of some who will tarnish the ideals and values of the left. In order to save and preserves leftist ideals, we do need to criticize and take a good look at ourselves and offer real and practical vision for our future. Asking shallow questions and forcing others to be free is not leftist or ideal. The left needs to re-identify their purpose and the soul of the movement. They need a rebirth.