Dear friends of Belgium.

Day 867, 13:33 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Trinc

For some days now, I have seen unkind articles written by so called "Belgians". They write propaganda about the {U}NL being bad and all that, because we don't want to pay the Belgian state some money.
Well, first of all, let me sum up what we did to save Belgium like half a year ago.

- We gave up our identity when we merged.
- We lost our language for a great part of our eLife.
- We spent much money to defend the Belgian regions from the Group, Seal 6, the Spanish, the Polish and Romanians.
- We lived for like half a year with some difficult individuals which names I will not post here but those people know it involves them.

Why did we did this? because we were friends. And it wasn't always happy hippie times, but some times it was.
What did we get in exchange? Belgium declared themselves independent and now the Belgians want money from us... The "Belgian" government didn't cooperate with us by that time (i know because i was in the eUNL government by that time).

Am I angry? Yes. Do I want war? Maybe. But not with the Belgians. I want war with the EDEn government of Belgium. Because Belgium and the Netherlands are friends and they deserve friendship. And if Belgium was ruled by Belgians, I would agreed with giving you money, friends. But if we give you that money now, we can also just donate it to the EDEN headquarters. There is no difference between this Belgium and the Belgium of the Group.

Go for it Belgium, kick those EDEN peeps out.