Day 1664. Everything is Relative.

Day 1,664, 21:38 Published in China Romania by oboj

11 June

- Trojan War: Troy is sacked.

I was wondering about what the new changes will bring us and made up the following small story 🙂 (F-ather, S-on, W-ife)

S😃addy, what is the fastest possible speed?
F:-I don't know.
S:-Teacher says it's speed of light
F😃on't think so.
S:- 😮 why?
F: Have you seen that ant running on the floor?
S: Yes.
F: It makes thousands of steps for a distance you make in one step, right?
S: So?
F: Let's imagine further. You take that small ant with you in the plain with us when we travel.
S: Aaaa. It will not even notice the speed it's traveling.
F: Yep. Now, imagine you are the ant and there is something greater than us billions of times.
S: And?
F: 🙂
S: May be it's true for us too?
F: Surely yes. Imagine that our planet was built as a part of a big space ship. Some kind of seat in the plain 🙂
where Sun is the engine and our Universe is the plain. And we are the passengers travel to a very far destination at a very high speed.
S: I like it.
F: Me too. Imagine further. Our ancestors could built this SS to reach the 'unreachable' and one day some of the next generations will reach it.
S: Hurray. I will reach it.
F: Sure, you'll do.

The kid ran out to play football.

W: Why did you tell him all that crap?
F: ?
W: We, our great ancestors of some great bla-bla-bla.
F: Was it better if I would told him that real passengers left the ship long ago? Or even better - that we were just some food on gods' table?
W: 🙁

Enjoy the community, and don't blame the pages. 🙂
