Cuba quiere democracia/Cuba wants democracy [PCC]

Day 3,001, 08:16 Published in Cuba Indonesia by A d A s t r a
El pasado día 5, en Cuba no sólo se elegía Presidente del País, sino que también se elegía entre Democracia y Dictadura.

Pues bien, las Elecciones a CP han arrojado un clarísimo ganador.

Con esta clara victoria de Robotik, la mayor desde que existe este pequeño país, ha quedado demostrado que los Ciudadanos de Cuba, eligen Democracia.

Tres de cada cuatro cubanos, más de un 75% de los votantes, han votado por Robotik, eligiendo así que prefieren que Cuba sea libre y tome las decisiones en ese estado.

Está claro que el dinero no es todo en este juego. Por muchos MPP´s que se firmen, por muchos impuestos que se dejen de recaudar, por muchas CS que se den a amigotes o por muchos votos que se compren, el País claramente no quiere a este Dictador.

Por ello, desde el Partido Comunista de Cuba, exigimos al Dictador Field Marshal Milancho que inmediatamente ceda el poder a Robotik para que éste lance una Revolución hacia la Democracia, o bien, igual que gastó 200k cc para crear la dictadura, lance una Revolución, para que la Democracia se instaure.

El Pueblo es soberano y ha hablado.

Ahora solo queda que el Dictador, abandone su puesto y se largue.

Por mucho CC que se tenga, a Cuba no se le Compra!!!!

Viva Cuba Libre!!!
Abajo la Dictadura Capitalista!!!
Viva el Partido Comunista de Cuba!!!!


The past day 5 in Cuba we were not only electing the Country President, we were also electing between Democracy and Dictatorship.

As you could see, the elections have resulted in a clear winner.

With this clear victory of Robotik, the greatest since this little country exists, it has been demonstrated that the citizens of Cuba prefer Democracy.

Three of four Cubans, more than a 75% of voters, have voted Robotik, electing a free Cuba which takes its own decisions.

We could have seen that money is not everything in this country. It does not matter how many MPP’s we have signed, it does not matter how many taxes we have collected, as many CS given to friends or bought votes, the country clearly does not want this Dictator.

That’s why, from the Communist Party of Cuba, we demand the Dictator Field Marshall Milancho to give the power to Robotik immediately for him to throw a revolution for democracy, or, as well as he wasted 200K cc to create the dictatorship, throw a revolution for setting up democracy.

The population is sovereign and they have already talked.

Now, the only thing that is left is that the dictator leave his position and go out.

It does not matter how many CC you have, Cuba cannot be bought!!!

Hail Free Cuba!
Down with the capitalist dictatorship!!
Hail Cuban Communist Party!!