CP Update - The start of a new term {edited}

Day 2,938, 16:50 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Prime Minister Office

Greetings eAustralia,

Well another election has just been finished and eAustralia has decided to stick with me for another term. I know some citizens are not happy with my leadership, I know some a now no longer even bothered to paying attention, instead preferring to move to 'two click' mode and yet some are actually wanting to be involved and take part in the political process that shapes our nation.

While I am sorting my cabinet out, I will not list individual people to their positions (I am also having issues on the Admin screen in assigning those spots). But I will list the players who have accepted to help out and those who I am yet to here back from.

But first some news from here and there, plus some news for Australia.

Voter turnout

The turn out this term was down by 10 votes. And over all it was pretty low compared to our 'registered active' players. While many might have thoughts about the reason for the low turn out, I will try and increase people's desire to be apart of the political process once again.

But the results were:
Rust D supported by the RSU with 54.88% of the votes (45 Votes)
Kattrrina supported by the APP with 45.12% of the votes (37 Votes).

Congress Activity Levels

Congress activity has been in a sharp decline over the past couple of months. Some people run for congress, but when they win they don't comment or respond. While this might be for different reason's, if you want to change something or actually serve your people, you need to voice your idea's, suggestion's or even your disagree.

Some things that can help this is, accept friend requests so you can be added to the congress thread, rather then refuse and then talk about zombie voters. I personally will not stall congress waiting on one or two friend requests for weeks on end, instead I will go on and make it known in the thread that someone is not included due to them not accepting the FR. All you are doing is hurting your country and also misleading those who voted for you to represent them. If your not happy, then be apart of the solution and apart of the discussion, rather then sit on the sidelines.

If you are in congress, speak up and make your voice heard. If you think your being ignored, speak to your fellow congressmen and women so you can provide a bigger front to the obstacle. If you sit in the corner quietly and do nothing, nothing can be done. The only way a voice can be heard is if you open your mouth and speak up. In the past we have had issues that do not get answered for days, so it is up to Cabinet to decide on what happens. But it is the role of congress to partake in these discussions, so together we can steer eAustralia in the right direction.

If your fearful that someone is manipulating the government to suit there every whim, take an active role in government. Put your hand up for cabinet post's, put your hand up for congress seats, raise your voice, your idea's, your opinions so they can be heard. If your still not happy, put your hand up for CP elections when you can. This term, we had one runner. The second runner came just to 'put another name' on the ballet paper. Is this what you want to see of Australian politics? is this what you want to see of your country? If you love your country, be active in it.

Training War

The current training war should be finished soon. eChile is ready to vote on the peace treaty. While I am hoping this passes smoothly, I know there might be some issues. As many of you might of noticed, Chilean congress voted to attack the USA while they were in the training war. This matter has been raised by myself and others to both the Chilean government in power at the time and the US government.

While the people involved in this matter have discussed it, it has even been discussed with eAustralia's alliance partners and members of Asteria. Some self serving propaganda pieces have been floating around in the worlds media. Rest assured eAustralia, your country has acted with every good intention. This has been proven to our alliance members via logs and screen shots. If anyone has any questions in this regard, please feel to ask. I will try and give as much information as possible.

However back to the Training War, once eChile signs the peace treating, bringing to an end the Training War, Australia will go about RWing any remaining regions. From there we will be discussing the current region rent agreement and seeing if any alterations need to be made (this was brought up in congress approx. 17 hours ago for discussions). We are also in contact with the previous US government and also the current one in regards to any follow on effect or sorting out regions.


As previously mentioned, I will am sorting out Cabinet spots as we speak. During the lead up to the election I asked fellow country men via the media if anyone wanted to help out in government. From this call, I have a small list of players that I am confirming are still interested. This list is as follows:

Confirme😛 Kattrrina, FreeGigi, Wooky Jack, Michael Alan Westen, Orges13, Ilene Dover, dedit8, nick.bergman, Theolor
Unconfirme😛 Damian Gaby

Once I hear back from the remaining three, I will be assigning roles. These players come from a wide range of back grounds, but they promise to be active and hopefully inject some life back into Australian politics. I also know there are some recent arrival's, but they are active players and will be bringing in fresh idea's.

I am hoping you are all enjoying your time in eAustralia, even some of our new arrivals (more about that in another update). But as usual, any questions, please feel free to ask them or comment below.

Thanking you again,
Rusty D
Loyal citizen of eAust.
Elected CP/Dictator of eAustralia

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