CP term-updates of the current events and statement

Day 2,546, 08:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic


The Office of the Country Presedent want to give statement about yesterday article:

The Office of the Country Presedent wont comment about why is that article released last night and is it bad or good.Everything had been said by comments of the Office of Country Presedent in that article.The Office of the Country Presedent were very concerned about the content of the article and this morning,althougth it"s Sunday hold a meeting of the Cabinet with all Ministeries:iAdrastos with Baron Chris(Prime Minister&vCP),CptChaz&SerF(MoWC),Huey George(MoCC),N W G&Rob The Bruce and Hotfuz(MoICS),Madelina&Robin RedCap(MoPC).The meeting were hold on issue of possible cause and damage of releaseing that article.The Cabinet heard all arguements of released article and concluded that the "unnapropriate" article had been written for the fun and to relax citizen while reading that article and preparing them for new system governance.
There weren"t any harmfull damage for eUK and it citizens.The public of the eUK Community have risen the voice and there were various negative and positive comments,concerning that article.Ofcourse it is quite understandable for the public to be concerned about what they think is inapprioriate article and the Office of the Country Presedent understand and release the importance of the public concern and some sort of fear about security and purpose of releaseing that article.
The Office of the Country Presedent requested internal investigation of the released article and the investigation is underway and will not finished.Also there were fear and concerned of changed names of the Cabinet:
MoD was renamed into MoCCO"s
MoF renamed into MMaintainMoney etc.

The Office of the Country Presedent want to apologize to the public for feeling them unpleasent after released article.The Cabinet and Ministeries will stay as planned by the Presedent of eUK and Cabinet.Also the Office of the Country Presedent will take no steps of the responsibility of the author of that article.If it turns out that Minister is the author of the released article,that Minister will be promoted.
The Office of the Country Presedent are convinced that the final result will be positive for the public of the eUK.Also the Office of the Presedent wont comment and interfear in that investigation as well as into the content of the article.
-eUK won 3 battles and gaine😛Ontario,Nunavut,NorthTeritories.The battle for Ontario still is on.
-CO"s of the 3 battles were high and very helpfull in great deal to be defeated eCanada.That"s all for tonight

Stay tuned for further updates

The Office of the Country Presedent
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic