Corona Update

Day 4,500, 15:56 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

Here in Canada we take drinking seriously. While Molson and Labatt are highly favored brands of beer we have been known to kick back a few Corona's during Cinco de Mayo. In the interest of public saftey, and good foreign relations with our amigos to the south, your Ministry of Foreign Affairs is releasing this important musical documentary. The effects of over consumption can have devastating consequences.

Here's the link:

So remember, in a few weeks when Cinco de Mayo rolls around, remain calm. It is best not to gather in large groups of closely packed people. It is safest to consume your Corona in the home.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

It's only a joke. I know a lot of people are suffering because of the Corona virus thing. There are people suffering because of a myriad of other communicable diseases. Homelessness, hunger and extreme poverty are also alarming.