Congress Elections; Column of the Lord!

Day 2,469, 10:59 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

As always we have a different person writing something about his predictions for the Congress Elections, this time this person is: Lord Jale!

Some may know him from his few jobs in the government, he currently is the Minister of Coaching & Recruitment. Let's see what his thoughts are!

This Congress elections will reveal us many new things. First of all as we all know our political scene got one new party Revolution et Libertas, so this will be for first time that this party enter at Congress elections. All of us are very curious how much Congress seats will they get, and are they the most influential party at our political scene nowadays.

Of course I&W is no 1 party in Netherlands ranked by members, but I expect some less votes at this elections because till now we had cooperation with DRP. So we can not count on their votes anymore, and it is ˝big question˝ how many of our 50 members are active and capable to vote I&W at 25.
Necessary this is not bad for I&W, at this elections we will finally know how many of our members and fans which are not in any party vote us. We had some cooperation with out top 5 parties and direct way to give them a seat or two in Congress. Now we will got a chance to find out how many seats we have, and for future cooperation we will put other parties members at bottom of our list so their votes can put its member in Congress, not that we give them seat and lose one of ours.

As other parties I can only say they must boggle and start to recruit new players and produce new politicians which names will make their parties more popular.

If at this elections I&W and RetL take over 60% of congress seats, NL can become bipolar with constantly duel of this two parties for real power, and other parties will get more influence if they make a pact of support to one of this two parties. But problem is that in that why other parties will become only a puppets of main party.
Or other scenario is that I&W can make pact with RetL and give CPs or vote any proposals in Congress with majority of this two parties. In that case all other parties would be excluded from decision making politics. It could bring us in autocratic stile with main role in I&W and RetL party presidents.

Now I look forward what will happen, and how top 5 parties will play their cards in next months.


This was it for the month of August! See you next time with some more political news!

Your Press Director,