Candidate for Congress

Day 1,616, 16:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

Hello Swiss peoples. I am TrogdortheTroll100, and I am writing this article today to announce my candidacy for congress. I am running under the guillotinist guild in Grabunden

I am currently the Swiss Minister of Information, you have probably seen the articles floating about, written by Mungos95 and myself. Also, I just realized that Penguin4512 and Bowen, both past presidents, were also Ministers of Information. Proof:

This makes this job so much more prestigious. So yeah. MoInfo rocks! Anyways, I would love your vote for me in Graubuden on the 25th. Why should you vote for me?
~I am funny (up for debate)
~I know how stuff works around here
~.... well with others?
~I am more active now than people like this

More reasons:
~I likez the pictures
~I want to be a congressman!
~I have connections

So yeah. That's why you should vote for me. I really hope you do. Also, like nobody else has written campaign articles yet.

And of course, you need the boobies!

Really though, consider me on the 25th. Thanks!

~Swiss MoInfo